SaDistic Blood (PC): Grotesque Nightmare Fuel (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

CW: Rape, torture, dismemberment, dissection, death, vomit, and all around extreme gore and sexual violence. I can not even begin to list every potential trigger in this game. If you have no triggers, you will after reading SaDistic Blood. The content of this game will be described in detail in the text of this review. …

Futa Fix Dick Dine and Dash (PC): A Pleasant Surprise (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

CW: Sexual content, discussion of trans fetishism. One can’t help but be curious with a title like that, can they? It’s certainly fun to say, and it’s the kind of title that would certainly get you some funny looks when your Steam account tells your friends that you are playing it… not that I’m speaking …

Lightning Warrior Raidy (PC/FMTowns/PC-98): A Surprisingly Solid Dungeon Crawler (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

Lightning Warrior Raidy is a hentai dungeon crawler that was originally released back in 1994, and was stored on five floppy disks. As this site’s arch nemesis HCBailly would say, this was high tech stuff back in the day. If this game’s Jast USA store page is correct, this is also the first “all-female yuri …

Quick Review: A Kiss for the Petals: Remembering How we Met (PC/IOS/Android)

A Kiss for the Petals: Remembering How we Met is the first game in the long running Sono Hanabira/A Kiss for the Petals series to receive an official English localization. Sono Hanabira is a series of yuri eroge that has had yearly releases from 2006 to 2016, and hasn’t had anything since then… probably because …

Standard Review: Asphyxia (PC)

Asphyxia is a rather conflicting game for me. It, at first, seems like a recipe for a hit given its odd premise of being a yuri dating sim where the girls are based off of British authors from the 1800s and early 1900s (which is going to be lost on anyone who is not an …