Quick Review: Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (PC/3DS/WiiU/Switch/PS4/XONE)

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures is a game that is a lot more unique than it looks. While it may look like just another retro style action game attempting to cash in on retro nostalgia and fans of the web series; it also takes a rather unique approach to its design. Specifically, it manages to …

SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake (PC/PS4/PS5/Switch/XONE/XSX): Battle for Bikini Bargain Bin (Detailed Review)

If I had a nickel for every retro throwback 3D platformer that was based around time travel, that made my most anticipated games of 2023 list, and ended up mediocre and disappointing, I’d have two nickels. I don’t know why someone would give me two nickles for two games existing though, it’s not like I …

Clive ‘N’ Wrench (PC/PS4/PS5/Switch): Bargain Bin Banjo-Kazooie (Detailed Review)

So, I like 3D collectathon platformers a lot, and this was number nine on my most anticipated games of 2023 list. It did not live up to the hype. Reading some parts of that piece are especially painful after having played through this game all the way. “It DOES look like it nails everything there …

Standard Review: Saint Maker (PC/Switch)

Another Fuwanovel review is out, this one for horror visual novel Saint Maker. https://fuwanovel.net/2023/04/saint-maker-review/ I was really impressed by this one, and definitely hope to cover some of Yanyang Mobile’s other titles in the future. Anyway, next review will be Neptunia: Sister’s Vs Sisters, which I just recently completed. – If you would like to …

Omori (PC/PS4/Switch/XONE/XSX): Absolute Emotional Horror (Detailed Review)

Currently, I have sixteen games that I plan to write reviews for. Generally, I review games in the order that I play them, because specific memories start to fade over time, which makes it harder to provide a through critique. Omori is number 11 on this list, but I’m choosing to write this review before …

Amazing VGM: Good Morning (Omori)

And it looks like another year is coming to a close, another long, frustrating, arduous year. Oh, and I also played and beat Omori a few months ago. I’ve been planning to write a review of it for quite some time, but I kinda also have a shit ton of other games I need to …

Standard Review: Actual Sunlight (PC/Vita/Switch)

CW: Depression, suicide. Just a quick warning to give to anyone thinking of playing this; this game is absurdly bleak. When I say this, I don’t even mean bleak as in it will make you cry or anything; I’m talking that this game can completely shatter your sense of hope. If you suffer from depression …

Impressions & Commentary: DeltaRune Chapters 1 & 2

Time for a short break from politics to talk about a game that I promised a piece about a while back, but took way too long to get to. Undertale is one of my favorite games of all time, somewhere in my top five at least, and yet it took this long to check out …

Amazing VGM: First Steps (Celeste)

Merry Christmas Eve everyone! The decision to make this piece was a bit of a last minute idea I had while listening to the soundtrack. It just hit me that this makes the PERFECT Holiday themed VGM for this series. And also, I’ve been meaning to get back into the habit of making these for …

Top 5 Games Reviewed On Guardian Acorn in its Fourth Year

Well shit, Guardian Acorn’s 4th birthday just passed! I’m still quite in awe that this experiment of mine has lasted this long, and I’m hoping that it continues to last. And now comes the tradition where I take one last chance to talk about the best and the worst games I reviewed this year. Okay …