Site Progress & Personal Update: March 2022

God damn, the time since posting my last site update piece felt like the longest two months of my life. I already feel exhausted just thinking of writing this post. Just read through the last site update and yeah, still fucking tired of all the bullshit. I’m so worn out on writing about politics. My …

Site Progress & Personal Update: September 2021

Greeting everyone. I am fucking tired. I don’t want to be writing this right now, but it would be wrong for me to do so since I didn’t have a site update piece last month. Anyway I’ve decided I’m going to have Site Updates be bi-monthly instead of monthly. Having a Site Update each month …

Site Progress & Personal Update: November 2019

Another month has passed and… I didn’t actually do all that much writing wise. Three poems, one personal piece, and one re-uploaded review isn’t all that much I know. It feels like every time I sit down to write one of these Site Update pieces, I’m just trying to justify a lack of activity when …

Site Progress and Personal Update: December 2018

So… I was banned from Twitter. I’m honestly not surprised. I kinda knew this was going to happen considering how prone to abuse Twitter’s report system and how scattershot in its implementation it is. Infamous right wing nutcase Alex Jones was not suspended until he started harassing Jack Dorsey in person despite the fact that …

Site Progress and Personal Update: November 2018

It’s funny how I remember that there was a point in time where these months were just going by so fast yet it now feels like an eternity has passed through each update. I have not been in the best place emotionally as of late. I really don’t want to talk about my failed relationship …

Site Progress and Personal Update: September 2018

The last month has felt strange to me. I have had a lot of ups and downs and it feels like my mood has been all over the place. The notable change is that I’m trying to ween off every medication of mine except for HRT. I had the realization fairly recently that all these …

Site Progress and Personal Update: July 2018 (Growth Edition)

It feels genuinely surprising that I made it through the past few months. I was literally in the ER back on May 22nd yet now I feel stronger than I have ever been. It is not because my troubles have just disappeared all of a sudden, but for once in my life I know that …

Site Progress and Personal Update: April 2018

I find myself increasingly curious about where I am heading in the future each time I create one of these monthly update posts. I have had a recurring problem  in regards to following through on large ambitions throughout most of my life resulting mostly from my depression and tendency to get easily discouraged or overwhelmed. …

Site Progress and Personal Update: March 2018

Only about two months left until this site hits its 1 year Anniversary. It surprises me that I kept this up, and I can only imagine that it surprised others as well. Then again, I am a reclusive writer who spends all her time inside and thus has the time to waste on providing a …

Site Progress and Personal Update: February 2018

As I write this, my 23rd birthday has just passed a few days ago. Right now I feel… strange. I would not say that I’m depressed but I am not necessarily stimulated either. I wouldn’t say that I feel bad but it does seem like there is something missing; something I should be doing or …