Nukige Septic Tank: Amayakase – Spoiling My Silver-Haired Girlfriend (NSFW)

CW: Incest, pedophilia. I seem to have been having terrible luck with titles from Jast USA. Thus far, the Jast USA titles I have played are Starless: Nymphomaniac’s Paradise, Saya no Uta, Lightning Warrior Raidy III, Do You Like Horny Bunnies!?, and Amayakase – Spoiling My Silver-Haired Girlfriend. Of these five, the only one I …

Site Progress & Personal Update: November 2019

Another month has passed and… I didn’t actually do all that much writing wise. Three poems, one personal piece, and one re-uploaded review isn’t all that much I know. It feels like every time I sit down to write one of these Site Update pieces, I’m just trying to justify a lack of activity when …

Standard Review: Youkai Douchuuki (Arcade/NES/TG16)

My interest in this unique Japan only platformer, Youkai Douchuuki was piqued several years ago when I saw it mentioned in an article about the representations of Hell in video games. I unfortunately cannot seem to find the original article, but I think it may have been Gamesradar, and I remember it opening with a …

Standard Review: Neverending Nightmares (PS4/Vita/PC/Ios/Ouya)

CW: Gore. Neverending Nightmares was a rather interesting horror title released towards the end of last year for both Steam and Ouya. Right from looking at some screenshots, you can already see it has a unique art style as well as some frightening imagery. It also has a unique premise in that it is about …