Amazing VGM: Celadon City (Pokemon Red & Blue)

See, I told you I would go with something happier than last week’s VGM… although I could probably upload the sound of dying kittens and it would be less depressing to listen to then “Sayo-nara” was. But anyway, since the last track seemed to take heavy influence from the “Lavender Town” theme, I decided I …

JRPG Update Indie: January 2018

And welcome to the other variation of JRPG Update that we currently hold. This series is meant to post a round up of news related to indie RPGs that are reminiscent of what are often considered JRPGs, regardless of the country where they were developed. Anyway, this one will be a bit different than JRPG …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Legends of the Universe – Starcore

There are sometimes when I review certain games where I think to myself that “someone spent a lot of their time and money to make this game.” Contrary to the cartoonish portrayal by angry video game reviewers, game development isn’t easy, and even games that are not the least bit good take a lot of …

Amazing VGM: Sayo-nara (Doki Doki Literature Club!)

Well, I don’t usually decide to cover disturbing tracks for Amazing VGM, and I don’t find myself likely to again any time soon. Truthfully, I don’t even really want to write this piece, but this is the only time where I will be able to get myself in the right mindset to be able to …

Doki Doki Literature Club! (PC): Discomforting to a Fault (Detailed Review)

Content Warning: This piece will contain in depth thoughts and analysis on Doki Doki Literature Club! Do not let the title of this game fool you, this is one of the most horrific, discomforting, and disturbing games ever made. Content will include depictions of and references to suicide, violence, gore, depression, domestic abuse, death, and …

Amazing VGM: Undyne Themes (Undertale)

And it’s time for me to shill for Undertale again… sort of. Really I’m just revamping another one of my old DeviantArt journal entries. Previously, I mainly covered “Battle Against a True Hero“ but I would like to cover all of Undyne’s themes these time. Note, I’m not talking about just her battle themes either. …

Standard Review: A Bird Story (PC)

I honestly expected much more out of A Bird Story than what I got. Its developer, Freebird Games, was the studio that was behind To the Moon, which was perhaps one of the most emotional and strongly written games I have ever played. Its writing and presentation were so powerful that most that played it …

Amazing VGM: Aibyou (Nekopara Vol 1)

Note: This was originally posted as a DeviantArt journal entry on August 16th 2015 So I have decided on one specific song I felt the need to talk about for a while. This week’s VGM comes from the eroge, Nekopara Vol 1. Now this song sound like a very sweet and beautiful track; one that …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: FEMINAZI: The Triggering

While I knew that a game like FEMINAZI: The Triggering would be garbage based only off the title, it was something that looked so stupid and immature that I needed to try it out. It was pretty much what I expected, but I find it interesting to write about games that are entirely motivated by …

Amazing VGM: Satellite (Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom)

God Phantasy Star III was such a weird game. Its setting seemed to be this weird cross between medieval and futuristic yet never was really set on one, the plot was barely prevalent but what little prevalence it did have was of the “WTF” variety, the poor testing and rushed design ended up with a …