Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria (Ios/Android/PC/PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/Wii U): Retro to Benefit and Fault (Detailed Review)

For a while now, there has been a popular trend in gaming pertaining to the revival of old school games. This trend involves companies creating games in a retro style in an attempt to appeal to older gamers. In some cases, these games are made with the same limitations as older games in an attempt …

Standard Review: Dungeon Travelers: To Heart 2 in Another World (PC/PSP/Vita)

This is another Fuwanovel review, even though the game itself is not a visual novel. Well, it’s a spinoff of a visual novel, and it was localized by a company that specializes in visual novels, and the code was given to Fuwanovel, so that’s the site it will be posted on. https://fuwanovel.moe/2024/12/review-dungeon-travelers-to-heart-2-in-another-world This one was …

DepraviA (PC): A Sadist’s Twisted Paradise (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

CW: Discussions, mentions, and visuals of violence, rape, pedophilia, dismemberment, vore, and unbirthing. This game is fucked up. Oh, you thought I was only posting one Halloween review? Just because it’s no longer October, doesn’t mean I can’t post a Halloween themed review! Looks like this year’s Christmas is going to be red! Also, I …

Fangame Review: (Mario) The Music Box Remastered

I was supposed to write my review of (Mario) The Music Box Remastered at least two years ago. I’m now in the sort of yucky period of my career where I need to coax myself back intro writing after continuous, traumatic events and several months dealing with severe PTSD because sitting there being traumatized doesn’t …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Skator Gator 3D (PC/XONE/XSX)

It’s not often that I play a game so dull and mediocre that thinking about it makes me nauseous. I can’t exactly say that Skator Gator 3D is one of the worst games I played, but I don’t like thinking about it. It gets under my skin in an odd way that objectively worse games …

Quick Review: Com__et (PC)

Another Fuwanovel review. This was written a while ago, but it took a while for them to edit it. Anyway, this is my review for a small indie VN called Com__et, I think it’s an interesting concept. https://fuwanovel.moe/2024/05/review-com__et Anyway, next piece will be an update on the Poppy situation, and following that will be my …

Antichamber (PC): Meaningless and Frustrating Abstraction (Detailed Review)

There is a rule that I make sure to hold to every game when I review them. That rule being that their quality as a game is greatly determined by how well the game succeeds at accomplishing what it set out to achieve. To clarify, this means that my judgment usually comes as a result …

Nukige Septic Tank: Taimanin Asagi (PC) (NSFW)

Well, it’s time for another Fuwanovel review. This one took a while for me to get to, and even longer for it to get posted. https://fuwanovel.net/2024/03/review-taimanin-asagi/ Yeah, the first entry in the Taimanin series… kinda sucks ngl. Despite that, I’m still considering Taimanin Yukikaze, if only because it looks much better and it has much …

Quick Review: Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (PC/3DS/WiiU/Switch/PS4/XONE)

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures is a game that is a lot more unique than it looks. While it may look like just another retro style action game attempting to cash in on retro nostalgia and fans of the web series; it also takes a rather unique approach to its design. Specifically, it manages to …

Impressions & Commentary: The Coffin of Andy and Leyley Chapters 1&2

CW: Discussions or Incest, Cannibalism, emotional abuse, manipulation, and domestic abuse. Also there are spoilers. Time to capitalize on a trend everyone! The Coffin of Andy and Leyley is certainly something, and that specific something that it is, is called a video game. If you’ve heard of this game, you’ve probably heard that it involves …