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Majikoi! Love Me Seriously! (PC/PS3): Mixed, Yet Ultimately Satisfying (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

Well, it took me a lot longer to get to this one than I expected. I first started playing this game before Summer, and now it’s almost October, fuck this game took a long time! Granted, some of that time was because I was hospitalized for pancreatitis, but also because the game is fucking long! I think this might be the first 50+ hour visual novel that I have reviewed (minus Starless), and I feel tired just trying to talk about everything. Of course, that’s also because I’m having one of those “why brain no make fancy words????” moments at this time, and I’m just making sure I have something typed out so I’m not trying to write the entire thing in two days like a school project, but it’s also because of the nature of this game

I already know this is going to be a lengthy review just because there’s a lot of shit to talk about, both good an bad. I will say that my overall opinions of Majikoi are positive, but there were also a lot of moments that just outright sucked. This review is going to be longer than usual just because there’s so much to discuss about each individual route. But first, I should talk about what Majikoi is.

It’s important to note that this game was originally released in 2009. That’s right, this motherfucker took over a decade to receive an official localization, and it’s not looking like the sequel is going to get one either. The reason for this being that Majikoi has a ton of high profile voice actors, and it costs a fuckton of money for Jast USA to license them. In fact, half of the voice acting has been removed in Jast USA’s official localization due to copyright issues. Thankfully, there are fan patches that restore the VA, but you will need to change your system locale to Japan and install a Japanese font to run it. None of this costs anything, and it should be easy since even I was able to figure this out, but it’s something to be aware of going in.

As for the actual game, Majikoi stars Yamato Naoe, a teenage high school student who just so happens to be the center of a quirky high school friend group that gets into a whole lot of shenanigans. Despite being the player character, Yamato actually has a personality for once, and is an interesting character whose personality actually has an effect on the world around him. It’s amazing how I barely described this game and it’s already a step above 90% of “harem romantic comedy” visual novels or anime.

Said friend group also consists of Gakuto Shimazu, a meat headed jock with delusions of his prowess in seducing women, Takuya Morooka, the most ordinary and humdrum character in the game who mostly plays straight man to the dumb shit that every other character gets into, Shouichi Kazama, the group leader who is brimming with absurd amounts of luck and himbo energy, Tadakatsu Minamoto, the grump who says he’s not part of the group but basically is, Kazuko Kawakami, the energetic, cute, yet also dumb martial artist, Miyako Shiina, and archer who has an unhealthy lust for Yamato and will take every opportunity to sexually objectify or harass him, Momoyo Kawakami, the absurdly overpowered, big breasted, martial artist lady who vehemently denies being a lesbian despite the fact that she only ever expresses feelings towards one man yet hits on damn near any woman that breathes, Yukie Mayuzumi, a very shy first year student who is secretly an expert swords woman and has a talking phone strap, and Christiane Friedrich, a weaboo Samurai from Germany who has an overbearing Lieutenant General for a father who is not above causing world war III if someone looks at her daughter the wrong way.

This game takes place in Kawakami Academy, a prestigious school for martial artists that allows students to challenge each other to duels, and will often allow large scale battles that no school could host in real life without being sued into oblivion. The game’s tone is very humorous and often tongue in cheek, but will have it’s intense and emotional moments. Even based on what little I’ve described, it’s easy to tell that this game has a LOT of personality and charm to it. The reason for this is not only the creativity in the setting and character archetypes, but also in the game’s humorous writing.

Damn, Miyako is savage!

Majikoi perfectly captures the vibe of you and your own personal group of friends joking around with each other and having their own little running gags. There has always been this misconception that true art is always serious and brooding, and this is an idea that neuters a lot of works of fiction that would otherwise be much more effective. And when they DO have humor, it’s painfully dull Boomer humor that is even more insufferable than if there was none. Majikoi on the other hand, has a fuckton of memorable gags and punchlines, yet that does not stop it from delivering an emotional gut punch when it needs to.

Majikoi’s greatest strength by far is how well written these characters are. Poorly written visual novels often have characters so flat that I can barely feel anything towards them, yet even some of Majikoi’s weaker characters are written far better than the vast majority of VNs out there. I may have problems with individual routes, or how they handled certain aspects of one character, but most of the time, these characters are endearing and fun read about. And the few times that they aren’t, they feel more like annoying things that real people would do rather than just dumb, shallow, stereotypes.

I’ve said this before and I will probably be saying this a fuckton more; there is a major difference between making a character “human” on a surface level, and making them FEEL human. Despite the comic absurdity of this game’s characters and its premise in general, these characters felt more real than the vast majority of media I have consumed. And it isn’t even just the main cast that’s endearing. There are so many quirky side characters that really help bring this world to life.

The presentation also deserves some major props as well. The menus all look nice and smooth, and there are a number of nice features that I wish we had in more visual novels. Particularly, being able to go back and view certain scenes from the main menu, or displaying the title of the song currently playing in each scene. I also never saw any visual novels that played ending skits when you exit out of the game. That being said, it made things a bit awkward when I played Maggot Baits after this, and was subconsciously expecting a humorous skit after scenes of grotesque rape and violence. God just imagine!

The character designs and backgrounds are nicely drawn, and I also thought it was a nice touch that the character sprites actually have movement and more than one pose, which is a godsend when this game is so focused on action. The sound effects greatly enhance the mood, the voice acting is absolutely superb, and then there’s that music. I think I can safely say that Majikoi has the best soundtrack I’ve ever heard in a visual novel. There is such amazing variance in the amount and the different styles of music in this game, and most of this game’s amazing scenes would not have been the same without this soundtrack. Tracks like Soulful Fatal Attack, Close Contest, Fateful Battle, and Sword Dance are badass and tension filled, Crimson Sky is a beautiful ending theme, Golden Pride never fails to inspire, and the orchestral arrangement of the main theme never fails to make me cry. Majikoi’s musical score is absolutely superb! The only complaint I have is that a few songs are a bit overused, but I haven’t seen many particularly long visual novels that don’t have a few overused tracks.

Majikoi is a fairly unique case in that most of the good and bad qualities vary from route to route, and I will need to examine the individual routes to give a more comprehensive critique. That being said, there are some flaws that are consistent across all routes, and I would like to go over them first. The highest barrier to entry is undoubtedly the pacing. Those who expect every scene to advance the plot and to leave an impact will likely not have the patience for Majikoi. I must confess, the reason it took me so long to complete this game and review it isn’t just because of the one time I got hospitalized. It was also because some parts were rather slow.

Knowing the context, this image alone gives me goosebumps.

The prologue, for instance, is longer than a lot of stand alone visual novels that I’ve played, yet lacks any moments that really glued me to the screen. That’s not to say it was bad by any means, as the characters and humor were enjoyable and kept me entertained. I just feel that some parts could have been trimmed down. Additionally, some routes will have similar moments where everything drags to a halt, and you want to get on with the plot. This could either be as a result of egregious soap opera esque romance drama, an occasional unfunny gag that goes on for way too long, or those godawful sex scenes!

Oh yeah, I should probably talk about the sex scenes! With how much hype the visual novel community gave this game, I kinda got my hopes up that the sex scenes wouldn’t be shit this time. This is the last time I ever take a Sydsnap review seriously, I swear to Goddess! How the hell to people like this shit! Majikoi doesn’t just have badly written sex scenes, it has some of the worst written scenes I’ve EVER seen! I haven’t cringed this hard reading a sex scene since I read Starless! Some of the worst eroge I’ve ever reviewed had better written sex scenes than Majikoi, how the fuck did they screw things up this bad?

It’s actually a lot to unpack to go into how bad these sex scenes are. It’s not even the usual issues of multiple lines of onomatopoeia or characters yelling out “OHHH, YOU’RE COCK IS CURRENTLY IN MY VAGINAL CANAL AND POUNDING AWAY AT ME!!!” in a way that no realistic human would ever say during sex, but there are other issues as well. The most glaring of which is that Imaizumi Takahiro clearly doesn’t know how to have Yamato not come across as creepy or predatory in every scene. I don’t know how he managed it, but somehow, Rance comes across as less creepy than Yamato in most of these scenes, and Rance is INTENDED to be creepy!

Yamato: Tactical sex pest.

And it’s so jarring because this is in complete contrast to Yamato’s character as a methodical planner and strategist! This game frequently tells us how careful Yamato is in maintaining contacts, and how charismatic he is, but the moment he starts flirting, he’s about as tactical as Vaush dropping the N-slur with a hard R. While the fanbase of the game has collectively disowned Chris’s route over the rape scenes towards the end of the route, I was not surprised the game devolved to that point to begin with.

Sex scenes are not only poorly written, but they are woefully out of character for nearly everyone involved. Just about every interaction Yamato has with Yukie gives me “Discord Mod” vibes… the people who Mod my Discord server are not going to be pleased with that joke… Oh, and let’s not even go into the creepiness that is Mayo and Umeko’s route. While Yamato is not even the most perverted character in the game, most of the game’s perverted antics are often jokes. And while said jokes do occasionally end up being more creepy than funny, they at the very least, are not meant in earnest!

Even the art is the furthest thing from sexy, given that damn near every H-scene illustration has Yamato looming over whichever woman he’s fucking with his barely shaded cock. The only illustrations that invoke any sort of arousal are the ones without Yamato in them. This is quite ironic because whenever we see Yamato’s face in the main game, he’s actually pretty good looking. For Goddess sake devs, either put some effort into your male character’s design or just make them POV drawings. And the “cum effects” are disgusting to. I know that sex is messy in real life, but you shouldn’t be trying to replicate the parts that no one likes just because it’s “realistic.” It’s why you don’t see many visual novels with unwanted pregnancies or venereal diseases. You should be taking advantage of how your respective media is different from real life.


Now we have reached the point where I’d like to talk about the individual routes. Majikoi is made up of a prologue, five main routes, Six mini-routes, and a final route that is unlocked after you complete the five main routes. The main routes consist of Yamato romancing one of the five girls in the Kazama family, and the ensuing chaos that follows. The base plot and conflict also changes immensely depending on which route you play. Major plot events in one route will literally not even exist in another, and most of the shit foreshadowed in the prologue does not occur until you play the final Agave route.

I started out with Miyako’s route, which is my favorite of the main five. I found myself empathizing a lot with Miyako’s character because I’m a lot like her… perpetually horny and severely mentally ill. Miyako, as a character, naturally appeals to a lot of weeb fantasies by being a girl that is a pervert. The idea of a woman who is completely devoted to a man and who fantasizes about sex with them all the time is basically an incel’s fantasy wife, but Miyako has so much more depth to her character than just that. Miyako’s devotion to Yamato is because Yamato stepped in to defend her against severe bullying and isolation. Miyako has no desires aside from making Yamato happy because she’s been conditioned to view herself as worthless.

I LOVE how Majikoi didn’t simply choose to turn Miyako into a generic sex waifu, and instead choose to examine how a real life relationship with this type of person would work. The truth is, you only get someone like Miyako in real life if they are absolutely traumatized. I say this because I’ve BEEN in Miyako’s shoes before, and I know from experience that this is not a healthy type of love. And as a result, the main conflict of this route is Miyako overcoming her past trauma, and two people in an undoubtedly flawed relationship overcoming their problems out of genuine love and compassion for each other. This route absolutely blew me away. It’s just unfortunately that the next route I played was not so great.

Even when Miyako is being sincere, she still sounds oddly perverted.

The second route I played was Momoyo’s. All I can say is that it’s a fucking crime that I did not like Momoyo’s character. Momoyo is a strong, powerful big breasted martial artist who hits on every girl she sees… how the hell did they fuck this up? Women who could both beat me up and grope my chest without batting an eye are totally my thing… how the hell did they fuck this up? Yes, I know I said that twice, it deserves the emphasis.

Well, we can start with two words “compulsory heterosexuality.” Yamato is quite literally the only man that Momoyo ever expresses any feelings for, and even then, there’s a decent chance that you can end up getting rejected by her on this route. Momoyo is a homophobe’s idea of a lesbian; someone who just hasn’t found the right man yet. And this is even more egregious because it’s not just enough for the two of them to have personal chemistry together, no!!!!! Yamato instead has to be a “real man” and impress Momoyo with his Sigma male grind set. He has to, to paraphrase the game’s own words “win her over in such a strong display of manliness that she wonders why she wasted all these years with girls to begin with.”

There’s no fucking way you can argue that this isn’t homophobic without being homophobic yourself. To not only suggest that men could win over someone who is otherwise only attracted women, but that it needs to be done by exemplifying the traits of the gender that she’s NOT attracted to in order to override her homosexuality! This is the logic that morons who send lesbians dick pics go by. That they can just “fuck lesbians straight.”

“Oh but Annie, this game can’t be homophobic because Momoyo never identifies as a lesbian, and clearly all games are made in a vacuum free from the biases and prejudices of their real world creators? I am very intelligent!” Yeah, I’m not gonna respond to this, I just wanted to make fun of the inevitable chuds that will no doubt say this.


What’s even more egregious about Momoyo’s route is that there’s so little development on Momoyo’s part. While the other four main routes feature a ton of development, half of this route is Yamato whining because he’s too much of a beta soy-boy to win over Momoyo. Momoyo’s status as a unstoppable force of nature is used to make her into a trophy for Yamato to pursue. Rather than going into any serious backstory as to why Momoyo is so focused on combat all the time or what pushed her to become this strong, it’s a story about how Yamato “wins” her. This is at its most glaring during the sex scenes in the ending where it’s so focused on making Yamato out to be the dominant one, because you just HAVE to appeal to fuckboys who want to see strong, powerful women act submissive to them in bed.

Instead of adding fetishes that are based on Momoyo’s domineering personality, they decide to have her dress as a catgirl and talk in cat puns… for fuck sake, that was considered a bad ending in Demon King Domination, and the woman that happened to was FAR less tomboyish than Momoyo! Just a few scenes ago, Momoyo was not even comfortable performing oral sex, yet she’s supposed to be comfortable going full UwU catgirl? Because to hell with using sex scenes to tell us about your characters, we just gotta shoehorn as many vanilla normie fetishes in as possible!

The only redeeming value to Momoyo’s route is the Kawakami war. Majikoi always tends to excel when it comes to fight sequences, and this was absolutely intense. It was really interesting to see how all of this played out, and I read for about three hours straight to see how this would go down. It’s a shame it couldn’t have been in a better route.

Chris’s route was, as they say in Germany, fucking terrible. I’m sure you’re all waiting for me to tear into that fucking rape scene, but it’s not even the only problem I have with the route. Story wise, it’s easily the least engaging of the main five given that the fight scenes are nowhere near as intense as Momoyo or Yukie’s route, nor does it have the same level of emotion as Miyako or Kazuko’s. While the fight scenes were still entertaining, and the comedic scenes are as great as ever, this chapter fails as a romance because Yamato and Chris are just not a believable couple.

Chris is German……

Right from the start of the game, the two are complete polar opposites, and they constantly come across like one of those sitcom couples that would never make it past the honeymoon phase in real life. Instead, we have Chris constantly coming across as uptight and moralistic, and we have Yamato who is either smart and insightful or creepy and piggish depending on the scene. It would have helped the game IMMENSELY if anyone on the team knew how to write flirtatious dialogue without having it sound creepy.” I know I’m harping on this a lot, but when the subtitle of your game is “Love Me Seriously,” you better be able to write a decent love story, and aside from Miyako’s route, none of these are good love stories.

That being said, Yukie and Kazuko’s route also have this problem, but their routes have so much awesome shit in them that it never really comes to mind. Chris’s route however, really has nothing. The main conflict is about her overly possessive father refusing to let them date to the point of engaging in illegal activity to keep them separate. But since he’s in a position of power, he never has to face any measly consequences like kidnapping his daughter and trying to murder Yamato in the middle of the street. Yes I know, spoilers, but honestly, this route’s biggest surprise is something you will want to know in advance.

CW: Rape

In a competent story, Chris’s character arc would be about her standing up to her father and choosing to leave on her own. While she does eventually do this, it’s for the worst possible reason. Yamato’s grand strategy to convince Chris to disobey her father is to dope himself up of Viagra and porn for a week, sneak into her house, tie her down while she’s sleeping, and violate her without any regard to her wishes (and she makes it clear that this is NOT what she wants). The scene in which this happens is genuinely discomforting not just because it’s fucking rape, but because of the sincerity of this scene. The fact that the beautiful music track “Storm of Love” plays over this is what makes this scene so disgusting. That, despite Yamato knowing full well that this is wrong, he chooses to do it anyway because he thinks it will work. And guess what, IT FUCKING WORKS!!!

Yamato is able to successfully convince Chris to pursue a relationship with him without her father’s support… because he raped her. Oh sure, they try to imply that she secretly enjoyed it and was just denying it because she was conditioned to put her father’s feelings before her own. For those wondering, “who in the right mind would think something like this is a good idea,” well, I don’t have a good answer for you, but I can at least say it’s based on a Japanese custom called Yobai. I’ll quote Wikipedia on this one.

“At night, young unmarried men would silently enter houses with young unmarried women. A man would silently crawl into a woman’s room and make his intentions known. If the woman consented, they would sleep together. By the morning he would leave.[1][2] The girl’s family might know about it, but pretend they did not.[2] It was common for young people to find a husband/wife like this.[1][3]

But even with the explanation that Yobai was an actual thing, it still doesn’t work since actual Yobai was, at least in theory, consensual! Chris was fucked tied up, and considering that she tried to reach for her weapon and kill him, it’s safe to assume that shit wasn’t consent. The fact that this scene not only happens, but WORKS within the context of the plot is baffling! It may be possible that they thought “oh it’s a porn game, no one will take it too seriously,” but I do not consider that to be an excuse considering that the rest of the game was far more competent then this.

And what is even worse about this scene is what it does for the rest of the narrative. You know how Chris’s father is portrayed as an abusive and controlling figure who strips her of any agency. And what justification does Lieutenant General Friedrich, and literally every overbearing and controlling parent for that matter, use? That it’s for their own good, and that they know best. And guess what? Yamato’s stupid ass went ahead and justified every shitty, abusive behavior that Chris’s father did, because he showed his fucking ass! Something like this would normally be a bad ending reserved for picking the absolute most brain dead stupid choice possible. But no, you actually get the bad ending if you choose to treat Chris like an adult and have her make her own decision!

But of course, none of this is even addressed in the game’s climax, where Chris is kidnapped by her father. Because Goddess forbid we give Chris any agency of her own as a character, clearly it’s much more effective writing to have her rescued by her FUCKING RAPIST!!! Fuck this route!!!

CW Over

The plus side is that Yukie and Kazuko’s routes were significantly better than Momoyo and Chris’s. Yukie’s route I’d say is simply “good” rather than amazing like Miyako or Kazuko. While Yukie’s character arc is compelling and the KOS battle royale is fucking epic, the ending felt rather abrupt, and Yukie X Yamato just doesn’t feel like a believable couple. With the exception of Chris’s route and the mini-routes with Mayo and Umeko, Yamato was at his creepiest in Yukie’s route, but I’ve already ranted about that enough.

Another part of this route that I wasn’t crazy about was a specific scene where Momoyo almost rapes Yamato, and Yukie has to rescue him. Why of course, the same woman who swiped left on Yamato because he didn’t have any current plans to be the prime minister in her own route, is now trying to force herself on Yamato because he’s now in a relationship with someone else and this makes her jealous. And of course, the worst she gets as consequences is a lecture by her grand father. May as well elect her Governor of New York while you’re at it!

Since I don’t have much to really say about Yukie’s route, I’m just going to pivot to yet another reason why I dislike Momoyo’s character. In addition to the fact that she’s given so little development compared to the rest of the cast, it’s that she’s just an unlikable brute who is too OP to suffer consequences for anything she does, and she’s just as immature as the rest of the cast. The only difference is that the rest of the cast isn’t so OP that everyone cowers in fear of them whenever they act like a dick. There was a flashback scene in which she beat the shit out of Shouichi because she wanted to be the leader of the Kazama family, and almost broke his arms in the process. While the game tells you that Momoyo regrets this, it’s hard to be convinced when Shouichi is more ashamed to talk about the incident than Momoyo is.

It’s so frustrating how much of a missed opportunity Momoyo’s character was. Imagine if they bothered with a compelling backstory for why she’s so obsessed with strength and power, and how the pursuit of these ideals could come at the cost of her own personal relationships. Goddess forbid the most prolific character in the series is written as an actual human being with her own failings and hardships to overcome! It’s so depressing that in a game with routes as amazing as Miyako and Kazuko’s, Momoyo is only slightly more developed than Nerith from Celestial Crossing.

Hideously rude and abrasive, loves teasing, absurdly overpowered…… Uh oh…

Before I talk about Kazuko’s route, I’d like to also address the smaller routes. The routes for Gakuto, Moro, and Shouichi may not have had the same level of intensity as the main routes, but they did have some interesting development for the three characters. I found Shouichi’s especially compelling not only because he’s tied with Miyako for my favorite character in the game, but also I quite identify with his character in regards to not wanting to be held down by societal norms and just wanting to go wherever life takes me. I guess it makes sense to say that Miyako is the character that I am most like, and Shouichi is the one I most WANT to be like.

And it was interesting to see this game’s take on Shouichi’s core flaw, that being his naivety. It was quite interesting to have a route where someone risks selling themselves into slavery on a debt to help a book store stay in business, only for the book store to close up anyway. Such a plot point risks being incredibly depressing and cynical, yet this game managed to give it just the right amount of care to make it work.

As for Moro and Gakuto’s route, they are more funny than anything. Gakuto’s route pertains to his bad luck with women, and ends on an absolutely hilarious note. Moro’s route has him try to make his own game, and it shows us how often creative people are forced to compromise on their own artistic vision in order to avoid burning bridges, and how this results in a botched product. It also had some funny moments as well though.

That leaves us with Chika, Mayo, and Umeko’s routes, against my better wishes. These three routes were easily the worst part of the game. While Momoyo and even Chris’s routes had some compelling moments, these three were absolute dogshit. Of course you’d end up with shit when you choose to focus on Yamato’s shallow teenage puppy love relationship with the least interesting character in the game. Holy fucking shit, Chika’s route was about as entertaining as watching a colonoscopy in slow motion set to the entire discography of Imagine Dragons.

“Despite her flat chest”

CW: Pedophillia/Grooming/Rape

On the other hand, Mayo and Umeko’s routes are incredibly creepy. Mayo’s route could have been decent if Mayo was treated as anything more than a fetish object for the people who have several thousand gigabytes of Dragon Maid Rule 34, and all of it is of Kanna. Believe it or not, it’s not Mayo’s design that I consider a problem. If Mayo was treated with genuine dignity and had a believable romance with Yamato, then I actually would have had positive things to say about this route. I’ve mentioned before that I’m all in favor of body diversity in games, and I think that being frequently misjudged for her appearance despite being older and smarter than her classmates could have made for some interesting plot points.

The problem I have with this route is how relentlessly they code Mayo as a little girl. First of all, why does she have such a high pitched voice? Are you telling me she didn’t hit puberty by 11th grade? Being shorter in stature and having small tits is at least within the realm of believably, but the same can’t be said for her voice. This is in addition to the fact that Yamato frequently placates Mayo by buying her ice cream whenever she’s upset, which gives this route a very unsettling vibe.

Umeko’s route isn’t any better, considering it’s basically the whole “hot for teacher” plotline, only with Yamato being a total sleazebag who gets his teacher drunk and seduces her after she just got stood up and had a mental breakdown, and then pushed her into a relationship after she tries to end things off. Jesus fucking Christ, what happened to the version of Yamato that actually cared about the people around him and wasn’t a total scumbag? And yes, I would be able to suspend my sense of morality if this game was capable of being sexy or if it knew how to arouse, but as we’ve already established, this game is about as erotic as a Marjorie Taylor-Greene sex tape, which leaves me with no choice but to cringe my way through this game’s godawful attempts at eroticism.

CW Over

Given just how many issues I’ve had with the game up to this point, I was fully prepared to give this game a negative review. While Miyako’s route was amazing, the rest of the game ranged from just “good” to absolute garbage. However, there were still two routes left at this point in my playthrough, and they fucking blew me away.

Kazuko’s route is by far the most emotionally charged route in the game. The route chronicles Kazuko’s training to become assistant master of the Kawakami temple and to match up to Momoyo. While I don’t want to talk about plot specifics as to avoid spoilers, I will just say, this route had one of the most powerful emotional gut punches that I’ve felt. I haven’t felt a visual novel hit me on such an emotional level since Totono. And then that ending was every bit as emotionally satisfying as the prior scene was devastating

What really works about this route is how it starts out like a typical shonen anime training arc, but then later deconstructs the parts of one’s personality that would make someone become so relentlessly set on one goal that very few can ever hope to achieve, and that oftentimes, this isn’t the only option. And this route also has its fair share of intense action sequences as well, which makes it a wild ride from beginning to end. The only criticism I have of this route is that, once again, Yamato and Kazuko don’t feel like a believable couple, but that was nowhere near as jarring on other routes.

As for the Agave route, holy shit, that was one hell of a finale! Not only does the plot take on a significantly darker tone, but the action becomes more intense, and the fight scenes are at their most climactic! It also helps that every last loose end is tied up, and the ending is incredibly satisfying. They really saved the best for last in this one! I’m going to avoid going into too much detail here, because holy hell does this make for excellent payoff.

I must admit, I did not expect to have as many complaints as I did going into this review, but when I actually sat down and wrote this review, I just kept going and going. I can definitely say that I enjoyed Majikoi overall, and am glad I played it, but whether or not I can actively recommend it is a trickier question. So to make it easier, I will say yes, I can recommend the SFW version. If I ever re-read this visual novel, that will be the version I read as well.

Without the H-scenes, the game will still have its faults, but it will improve the overall pacing and flow of the game. I’m also going to skip Chika, Mayo, and Umeko’s routes, which thank Goddess are optional. Unfortunately there’s no skipping Momoyo and Chris’s route, but at least the former has the Kawakami War. And there’s also no getting around the fact that, with the exception of Miyako’s route, this game cannot do romance for shit.

Majikoi’s good may outweigh it’s bad as far as I’m concerned, but there is going to be a lot that will alienate some players. For as much as dumb chuds like to say that feminists are just sensitive prudes (to which I say, come back to me after you have 100%ed both Maggot Baits and SaDistic BlooD), there are a lot of people that are a LOT more sensitive than I am. If you’re the type of person who has ever unironically used the term “irredeemable media,” this game is not for you. If you can’t handle games that are sometimes slow paced, this game is not for you. I CAN, however, recommend Majikoi to existing visual novels fans who have not already played it. Even if it has some low points, the high points are definitely worth it.

Anyway, this is my 197th review. God, maybe I should have had THIS be my 200th review with how fucking long this thing is. There’s only two more games for me to cover until Maggot Baits, which is just in time for October. As for whether I will cover Majikoi S, I am definitely open to it in the future, although it will be a while since I’m hesitant to read another long ass visual novel after this one, and there’s still a lot on my plate.

Anyway, take care, and I’ll see you all soon!

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6 thoughts on “Majikoi! Love Me Seriously! (PC/PS3): Mixed, Yet Ultimately Satisfying (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

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