Nukige Septic Tank: Futanari Quest (PC) (NSFW)

CW: Discussion and portrayal of incest, rape, and transphobia. Well everyone, I just spent the last week or so suffering from pancreatitis and recovering from having a stone infested gallbladder removed. Needless to say, it has not been fun, and it is a major reason why there is a delay on content. Anyway it’s time …

Mutiny!! (PC): All Hands on Dick! (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

When you are a game like Mutiny!!, you pretty much have people sold on the premise alone. I mean, who wouldn’t want to delve into a visual novel about a lesbian sex worker who inherits a role as a ship captain of a bunch of lesbian monster girls? Most of my expectations were met with …

HuniePop (PC): A Strange Relationship (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

HuniePop was a game that appealed to me for quite some time on the simple basis of it being a dating sim that actually became well known. I’ve always had a soft spot for perverted weeb games so this game was naturally a given. Unfortunately I often make the mistake of assuming that I will …