Amazing VGM: Hell Chaos (Splatterhouse)

Well, this is the final VGM of the month and I am feeling hella satisfied that I managed to get a Halloween/horror themed VGM up each week. Yes, “Appetite” counts since Starless IS one of the most horrifying games ever created (albeit for all the wrong reasons), and “The Eye Awakens a Jungle” is a …

Standard Review: Eversion (PC)

I have stated in the past that I have grown tired of people asking whether or not games can be art due to various reasons. One of the main reasons that I dislike this topic’s consistent appearance is because it seems to be causing a general insecurity on the part of a lot of developers. …

Movie Review: IT (2017)

Trigger Warning: Mentions of violence, rape, incest, pedophilia, child abuse, gaslighting, bullying, homophobia, sexism, racism, homophobia, stalking, animal abuse, antisemitism, child sex (eww), and worst of all, CLOWNS!!!!! The move itself also contains jump scares and possible seizure inducing sequences. Damn that’s a lot of triggers! Oh wow, another movie review, and this time it’s …

Five Nights at Freddy’s (PC/IOS/PS4/XONE/Switch): Technically Scary, but also Annoying (Detailed Review)

The survival horror genre has always been a rather unique case when it comes to games. Typically, the most important part of any game to most people is the fun factor. While it is true that some more recent games have had a higher emphasis on cinematics and cutscenes, it can be argued that those …

Amazing VGM: The Eye Awakens a Jungle (Earthbound)

How surprising that I have yet to make an Amazing VGM entry on my favorite game of all time. Yes, I have covered something from Earthbound Beginnings, The Halloween Hack, and Cognitive Dissonance, but not Earthbound itself. Anyway, I am going to be covering one of the more underrated tracks in the game, the area …

Euphoria (PC): Beyond Horror, Beyond Hentai, Beyond Art (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

Trigger Warning: Rape, violence, emotional abuse and manipulation, and various other manner of disturbing or gruesome depictions. Euphoria itself is practically one big trigger in and of itself. This game should NOT be played by any except by the most desensitized and depraved of hentai fans. By playing this game, you risk seeing some seriously …

The Top 25 Most Disturbing Video Game Songs (25-13)

Music has always been a very integral part of almost any media. The idea of musical accompaniment to plays dates back thousands of years. In video games, the interactivity means players will precede at their own pace, so the music is often more “full” than in movies. Tracks are often used to signify places, events, …

Corpse Party: Blood Drive (Vita/Switch/Ios/PC): Scary? No. Intense, thrilling, emotional, and all around amazing? Definitely! (Detailed Review)

Disclaimer: A majority of this review is going to focus on how Corpse Party Blood Drive works as a follow up to previous games in the series, as well as how it is as a finale. As such, there will be major spoilers for the first two Corpse Party games. However, there will be no …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Ghostie Quest

I really did not want to write this review. The only reason I did so is because I could only stand to play this game for one hour before requesting a refund and I need to get this out while it’s still fresh in my mind. Ghostie Quest is bad, as in VERY FUCKING BAD! …

Amazing VGM: Demon’s Gig (Shadow Hearts)

Shadow Hearts was always an underrated series of RPGs. We do not have that many JRPGs that embrace such a dark and Gothic style outside of Shin Megami Tensei, and those games also have a high barrier for entry due to their difficulty. The original Shadow Hearts  felt very similar to PS1 era JRPGs with …