Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria (Ios/Android/PC/PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/Wii U): Retro to Benefit and Fault (Detailed Review)

For a while now, there has been a popular trend in gaming pertaining to the revival of old school games. This trend involves companies creating games in a retro style in an attempt to appeal to older gamers. In some cases, these games are made with the same limitations as older games in an attempt …

Standard Review: Dungeon Travelers: To Heart 2 in Another World (PC/PSP/Vita)

This is another Fuwanovel review, even though the game itself is not a visual novel. Well, it’s a spinoff of a visual novel, and it was localized by a company that specializes in visual novels, and the code was given to Fuwanovel, so that’s the site it will be posted on. https://fuwanovel.moe/2024/12/review-dungeon-travelers-to-heart-2-in-another-world This one was …

A Predator in Victim’s Clothing – Exposing Courtney Peet (NSFL)

CW: In depth Discussion of rape, pedophilia, grooming, manipulation, emotional abuse, violence, torture, suicide, pedo-jacketing, rape apologia, objectification, animal cruelty, infanticide, sexual harassment, and human trafficking . This piece will deal with some very heavy subject matter. All claims of illegal activity are alleged. So here we are, the second predator expose piece in one …

DepraviA (PC): A Sadist’s Twisted Paradise (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

CW: Discussions, mentions, and visuals of violence, rape, pedophilia, dismemberment, vore, and unbirthing. This game is fucked up. Oh, you thought I was only posting one Halloween review? Just because it’s no longer October, doesn’t mean I can’t post a Halloween themed review! Looks like this year’s Christmas is going to be red! Also, I …