Note: This poem was originally posted on my Patreon account on December 24th of 2021. If you’d like to see these poems when they are first put up then please consider pledging to my Patreon page.
Month: May 2022
The Progressive Update (5/16/2022): Super Tuesday – Midterm Edition
So, some good news of of West Virginia. Not only did all four progressive state legislature with contested primaries with theirs, but progressive Joe Solomon also won his primary for Charleston city council at large, which brings progressive representation to the biggest city in West Virginia. Other noteworthy news is that House Freedom Caucus lunatic …
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The Progressive Update (5/6/2022): Roe Vs Wade Repealed, Nina Turner Loses Again, West Virginia Primaries.
So, these past few days sucked. It’s not so much a question of “what happened” but more so “why?” Starting with the SCOTUS leak that Roe Vs Wade will be overturned, this only makes sense as the logical conclusion based on the direction this country is heading. We could sit around and speculate as to …
Poem #133: Illusion of the Mind
Note: This poem was originally posted on my Patreon account on September 13th of 2021. If you’d like to see these poems when they are first put up then please consider pledging to my Patreon page.
Site Progress & Personal Update: May 2022 (SCOTUS Disaster Edition)
Well, so much for more video game reviews. A Supreme Court memo just got leaked that says Roe Vs Wade is about to be overturned. There’s no way I can focus on game reviews at a time like this. And to think some of you thought this bullshit would end with Trump out of office. …
Read the full post →“Site Progress & Personal Update: May 2022 (SCOTUS Disaster Edition)”