Quick Review: Com__et (PC)

Another Fuwanovel review. This was written a while ago, but it took a while for them to edit it. Anyway, this is my review for a small indie VN called Com__et, I think it’s an interesting concept. https://fuwanovel.moe/2024/05/review-com__et Anyway, next piece will be an update on the Poppy situation, and following that will be my …

Nukige Septic Tank: Taimanin Asagi (PC) (NSFW)

Well, it’s time for another Fuwanovel review. This one took a while for me to get to, and even longer for it to get posted. https://fuwanovel.net/2024/03/review-taimanin-asagi/ Yeah, the first entry in the Taimanin series… kinda sucks ngl. Despite that, I’m still considering Taimanin Yukikaze, if only because it looks much better and it has much …

The Shell Part I: Inferno (PC) Girl in a Shiny New Shell (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

It took a while for this one to get posted, but it’s finally up. https://fuwanovel.net/2023/11/review-the-shell-part-i-inferno-girl-in-a-shiny-new-shell/ I currently have one other review for Fuwanovel in progress, that being Taimanin Asagi. Though before I start writing that one, I do have one review I intend to get out for Guardian Acorn to hold you all over, but …

Nukige Septic Tank: Suck My Dick or Die! (PC) (NSFW)

It’s another Fuwanovel review, and another ancient MangaGamer title from when they had less resources and skills to properly localize their games. God this game was fucking painful. https://fuwanovel.net/2023/11/analysis-suck-my-dick-or-die-bad-title-worse-game/ Anyway, my review for The Shell Part 1: Inferno should also be posted soon. I also will be reviewing Taimanin Asagi for Fuwanovel as well. I …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Sakura Beach (PC)

Yeah, this is another Fuwanovel review. Err well, they consider it more of a rant because I hate this game so much I can’t write about it without a string of profanity. This is one of the worst visual novels I’ve ever read. Like, bottom five material. https://fuwanovel.net/2023/08/analysis-sakura-beach-ending-summer-with-a-rant/ I’m hoping to return to more regular …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Eye of Saccharine

Another Fuwanovel review. The art style looked pretty good, and the premise sounds interesting based on how it was described on the store page, but the English script may just be the worst VN localization I’ve ever read.

Standard Review: Saint Maker (PC/Switch)

Another Fuwanovel review is out, this one for horror visual novel Saint Maker. https://fuwanovel.net/2023/04/saint-maker-review/ I was really impressed by this one, and definitely hope to cover some of Yanyang Mobile’s other titles in the future. Anyway, next review will be Neptunia: Sister’s Vs Sisters, which I just recently completed. – If you would like to …

Gore Screaming Show (PC): Uncomfortable, Yet Beautifully Horrifying (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

New review up on Fuwanovel, this time for Gore Screaming Show. https://fuwanovel.net/2023/01/gore-screaming-show-review/ This one impressed me. I think I can safely say that Ueda Metawo is one of my favorite people in the industry, and anything involving Metawo or Black Cyc is something I will be making sure I cover. It genuinely means so much …

Quick Review: SLASHER, Interrupted (PC)

Another VN review up on Fuwanovel, and it’s of another brief horror themed visual novel by a trans developer. Yeah, that’s why I planned both these reviews around the same time. Anyway I can’t really think of much else to pad out the text before posting the link, so I’m just going to go ahead …

Standard Review: Clothing & Alterations (PC) (NSFW)

CW: Discussion of kinks and fetishes. Of the many statements I’ve made in my writing career, if I was told I had to choose one specific hill to die on, I’d probably choose the statement that queer people are better at writing erotica than cishet people. And no, this isn’t because I consider it the …