The Shell Part I: Inferno (PC) Girl in a Shiny New Shell (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

It took a while for this one to get posted, but it’s finally up. I currently have one other review for Fuwanovel in progress, that being Taimanin Asagi. Though before I start writing that one, I do have one review I intend to get out for Guardian Acorn to hold you all over, but …

Nukige Septic Tank: Suck My Dick or Die! (PC) (NSFW)

It’s another Fuwanovel review, and another ancient MangaGamer title from when they had less resources and skills to properly localize their games. God this game was fucking painful. Anyway, my review for The Shell Part 1: Inferno should also be posted soon. I also will be reviewing Taimanin Asagi for Fuwanovel as well. I …

Maggot Baits (PC): A Masterpiece of Blood and Guts (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

CW: Rape, torture, dismemberment, necrophilia, murder, violence, bestiality, pedophilia, and all around extreme gore and sexual violence. I can not even begin to list every potential trigger in this game. If you have no triggers, you will after reading Maggot Baits. The content of this game will be described in detail in the text of …

HuniePop (PC): A Strange Relationship (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

HuniePop was a game that appealed to me for quite some time on the simple basis of it being a dating sim that actually became well known. I’ve always had a soft spot for perverted weeb games so this game was naturally a given. Unfortunately I often make the mistake of assuming that I will …

Top 5 Games Reviewed on Guardian Acorn in its First Year

Holy shit folks. I was too busy wallowing in guilt and depression that I didn’t notice that this dumb blog of mine has been going for over a year now. I have been thinking about how I would commemorate this and considered focusing on my favorite articles posted here… but that would be mostly political …