Hatred (PC): Soulless Violence (Detailed Review)

TW: Murder, violence, mentions of ableism. I’m sure if a few of you thought back to a few years ago, you’d remember a certain title that stirred a lot of controversy for its violent content yet was almost immediately forgotten afterwards. That game was simply titled Hatred and was about a guy with long black …

Castlevania Retrospective #1: The Classicvanias (Part 1)

So there is this video game series called “Castlevania.” I’m sure you never heard of it as it’s quite obscure like everything else I cover. In all seriousness though there was a time when Koonami actually made good games and wasn’t obsessed with Pachinko machines and Soccer games. They had many influential and beloved series …

Super Mario Odyssey (Switch): A Platformer of Epic Proportions (Detailed Review)

It may be safe to say that Nintendo is going through a renaissance of sorts as of late.It seems like just a few years ago everyone was on Nintendo’s ass for their refusal to innovate and going on and on about how much of a failure the Wii U was. Ever since that awful E3 …

Amazing VGM: True Power of the Occult (Yandere Simulator)

It seems like Yandere Simulator is the popular thing to hate given how its developer has been… kind of a prick to some people. I have my own thoughts on YandereDev himself but I plan to save those for later. The thing is, it’s important to separate an artist from his art sometimes. Phil Fish …

New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U/Switch): Same Old Super Mario Bros (Detailed Review)

New Super Mario Bros U was often claimed to be the strongest entry in the New Super Mario Bros subseries. There have even been some who claimed it was the best 2D Mario game since Super Mario World. I will say right now that neither of those two statements are true. Not only does New …

Amazing VGM: Monster Dance (Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest)

Simon’s Quest was an interesting game. There were a lot of unique ideas present at the time and it laid the groundwork for what Koonami would later perfect with Symphony of the Night. Yet there are also a lot of shortcoming present. I’m not here to talk about those though, we’ve all seen the AVGN …

Standard Review: Demon’s Souls (PS3/PS5)

Demon’s Souls has a reputation as one of the hardest games in the current generation; a reputation that comes fairly. It terms of difficulty, it can in fact go toe to toe with a lot of the hardest games from the 8 and 16 bit era of gaming. However, it is important to consider whether …

Quick Review: Quest of Vidhuraa (PC)

Quest of Vidhuraa is a 2D platformer released on Steam in late April of this year, and it bills itself on being a “very hard platformer game.” I’m hardly a stranger to the “Nintendo Hard” category of games and I can quite enjoy games that are not easy to complete. I just came off of …

HuniePop (PC): A Strange Relationship (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

HuniePop was a game that appealed to me for quite some time on the simple basis of it being a dating sim that actually became well known. I’ve always had a soft spot for perverted weeb games so this game was naturally a given. Unfortunately I often make the mistake of assuming that I will …

Megadimension Neptunia VII (PS4/Switch/PC): The Dream Generation (Detailed Review)

Before I get started on this review, I would like to clarify that this review is covering the 2015 released of the game and is NOT a review of Megadimension Neptunia VIIR, which has been stated to be an entirely different game gameplay wise. As a result, I do not know how much of this …