Airing Out My Dirty Laundry (Brief Update)

So, you all may have noticed that shit has been pretty slow… again. Yes, I know, there’s always a period where shit slows down and I experience some sort of burnout, and then I say things will be different from that point on. Well, this time, I’ve come to realize that the reason I’ve had …

Cassandra Mel Tried to Blackmail Me, Lefty Twitter Helped Them

Well, a lot happened last year, a lot of harrowing events that have left deep emotional scars, and it’s taken a while to really get back on my feet so to speak. Back in July, I posted a piece tiled “Regarding ZeebDemon, Cassandra Mel, and My Discord Server,” which was meant to illustrate what I’ve …

Site Progress & Personal Update: May 2023

So uhh, I survived another two months, and that’s good. But I’m falling back into the pattern of “not posting enough content here because I’m focused on political research. Sorry guys, I hate fascists more than I love video games. I’m still plugging away at my review of Neptunia: Sisters Vs Sisters, but considering the …

Site Progress & Personal Update: March 2023 (Fatigue Edition)

Okay, so a lot happened in the past few months. Some of it is really good, some of it is really bad. I honestly don’t know where to begin, but that’s also cause I’m exhausted. The short version of it is that a content creator that I look up to shouted me out on her …

Site Progress & Personal Update: January 2023

Well everyone, new year and same old site update pieces. There are sometimes where I have a lot to discuss with these pieces, and some times where I just don’t want to write one of these, but I need to shout my patrons out somewhere so I better write one anyway. But I am literally …

Site Progress & Personal Update: November 2022 (Pre-Midterm Edition)

I know, I know, I skipped over the September update because I literally forgot about it, and then didn’t bother with one in October because I may as well just wait until the next month so it matches up with the usual schedule. And yes, I know that the only shit I posted six times …

Site Progress & Personal Update: July 2022 (Everything is Fucked Edition)

Well, Roe Vs Wade is gone, and we can expect every single of of out basic human rights to be repealed over the next few years. Meanwhile, the most that Democrats are doing is begging for money and reading poems. It unfortunately looks like things are going to get a lot worse before they get …

Site Progress & Personal Update: May 2022 (SCOTUS Disaster Edition)

Well, so much for more video game reviews. A Supreme Court memo just got leaked that says Roe Vs Wade is about to be overturned. There’s no way I can focus on game reviews at a time like this. And to think some of you thought this bullshit would end with Trump out of office. …

Site Progress & Personal Update: March 2022

God damn, the time since posting my last site update piece felt like the longest two months of my life. I already feel exhausted just thinking of writing this post. Just read through the last site update and yeah, still fucking tired of all the bullshit. I’m so worn out on writing about politics. My …