Maggot Baits (PC): A Masterpiece of Blood and Guts (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

CW: Rape, torture, dismemberment, necrophilia, murder, violence, bestiality, pedophilia, and all around extreme gore and sexual violence. I can not even begin to list every potential trigger in this game. If you have no triggers, you will after reading Maggot Baits. The content of this game will be described in detail in the text of …

Quick Review: Digital Seclusion (PC)

CW: Discussion of agoraphobia, depression, and suicide. I think it’s safe to assume that some of us, myself included, view games as more than just entertainment. The gaming medium has a near and dear place in my heart, and many of the games I’ve played have shaped who I am as a person. While I’ve …

Quick Review: Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (Game Boy)

So, uhhh. Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land is a good game. In fact, It’s in my top three games for the original Game Boy… not that I’ve played many of those. I don’t have many memories of the original system aside from Pokemon Gen 1, so most of what I’ve played for it is …