Fangame Review: Mother: Cognitive Dissonance

I have been a fan of the EarthBound series for many years at this point. I first became a fan from watching various lets plays of the game back around 2008 or 2009, because at the time I knew nothing about roms and emulators, and I clearly could not afford a copy of EarthBound. After …

Riddled Corpses EX (PS4/XONE/Switch/Vita): Grindy yet Kickass Twin Stick Action (Detailed Review)

The last two twins stick shooters I reviewed were… kinda shit. Those two games were Hatred and Venusian Vengeance. The former was a soulless cash in whose only claim to fame was shallow shock value that can only effect the most sheltered of individuals, and the latter was an ugly looking and tedious “retro throwback” …

On the Death of Leelah Alcorn (Trans Day Of Remembrance)

TW: Suicide, child abuse, transphobia, homophobia. Leelah Alcorn is a name whose utterance fills me with sentimentality. For those unaware, Leelah Alcorn was a teenage trans girl from Ohio who killed herself in 2014 due to her parents refusal accept her when she came out as trans, and attempts to send her to conversion therapy. …

Fangame Review: (Mario) The Music Box

TW: References to violence, gore, suicide, cannibalism, child abuse, and murder. Though I have yet to play many of them, I have always held a special interest in fan games. It is especially interesting to see what fans can do with an existing property with nothing other than their own money and free time, and …

EarthBound (SNES/GBA): Pure Artistic Desire (Detailed Review)

EarthBound is a game that has been well received since its introduction, but has only recently received a serious look by mainstream gaming websites in the past few years. We now find it frequently in top-10 lists near the number one spot. The weird thing about this however, is that Nintendo of America has ignored …

Castlevania Retrospective #2: The Classicvanias (Part 2)

Guess what? I didn’t completely forget about this retrospective project! After four months the second part is finally here… and I still haven’t beaten every Classicvania, or at least not every Classicvania gameplay wise. This piece DOES instead choose to rank the last of the traditional retro Castlevanias with the cut off point being the …

Persona 3 FES (PS2): Finding the Will to Live (Detailed Review)

When people think of the biggest JRPG series, what do they usually think of? Likely Final Fantasy at this point but the series, is no longer what it once was. There’s also Dragon Quest if you are in Japan or are a total weeb like myself, and the Tales series if you are a weeb …

RPGs of the Famicom: Earthbound Beginnings

With the release of Earthbound Beginnings on the Wii U e-shop, Nintendo of America has corrected a 26 year old mistake on their part. Earthbound Beginnings is the prequel to Earthbound on the SNES that was not originally released in Japan. The game was originally intended to be localized but was canceled despite the localization …

Top 25 Saddest Video Game Songs (12-1)

Well here is part two of the countdown, and this is where the tracks start to get very depressing. I am talking to the point of mood altering so be sure to wait until you’re in a somber or depressed mood to listen, or don’t. Listening to these extensively has had some unpleasant effects so …

Quick Review: Contraption Maker (PC)

This is a review that I have been meaning to get to for quite some time yet has been put off for absolutely forever. There was a fairly brief period where I had patrons get to choose reviews for me as a reward on Patreon. There were only three games that were chosen. One of …