Steam Greenlight Landfill: Giana Sisters 2D

Giana Sisters 2D is a painfully dull platformer. More specifically it is a PC port of Giana Sisters DS, which itself was a reboot for a 1987 Commodore 64 title called “The Great Giana Sisters.” Now it goes without saying that most 2D platformers have been inspired by Super Mario Bros 1 in some way, …

Amazing VGM: Memento Mori (Starless: Nymphomaniac’s Paradise)

TW: Mentions of suicide, murder, and the 1%. Thankfully I didn’t describe any of the sexual stuff this time. I hate this game. I hate it with every fiber of my being, so much so that I don’t even feel like giving a melodramatic speech about how much I hate it (but I proceeded to …

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory (PS3): Sweet Victory (Detailed Review)

Note: This was the first review I ever wrote and was put up on GameFAQs on March 21st 2013. It has been edited and enhanced in presentation. TW: Mentions of sexual assault. Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory does not have nearly as high of a budget as most of the best JRPGs of this generation, nor does …

Standard Review: Silenced: The House (PC)

CW: Gore and violent imagery, murder, death, misogyny, ableism. Welcome to another edition of “obscure indie visual novels that only eight people on planet earth have heard of and only three including me care about.” I am your host Annie Gallagher and today we are taking a look at Silenced: The House on Steam and …

Amazing VGM: Grandfather’s Clock (Nekopara Vol. 3)

Nekopara Vol. 3 was a conflicting game for me to say the least. Every time I criticize an eroge’s sex scenes I tend to be overly cautious about getting flooded with comments calling me a triggered feminazi. I seem to have avoided that result since starting this blog considering I’ve rarely one to not make …

Nekopara Vol. 3 (PC/PS4/Switch): A Step Up in Story, a Step Down in Sexiness (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

It’s been a few years since I reviewed the first Nekopara title. For those reading this immediately after the ones for the previous three games in the series (counting Vol. 0) then I feel I should note for disclosure’s sake that some of my perspectives have changed in the last few years. Namely I am …

Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 (PS3): Easier to Play, Easier to get Attached to (Detailed Review)

While the original Hyperdimension Neptunia did draw a lot of interest from those that knew of its existence and sold generally well despite being a niche title, it is hard to ignore the many glaring issues it had. At the same time, however, it was a game that was quite unusual in both its premise …

Site Progress and Personal Update: April 2018

I find myself increasingly curious about where I am heading in the future each time I create one of these monthly update posts. I have had a recurring problem  in regards to following through on large ambitions throughout most of my life resulting mostly from my depression and tendency to get easily discouraged or overwhelmed. …