So uhh, I survived another two months, and that’s good. But I’m falling back into the pattern of “not posting enough content here because I’m focused on political research. Sorry guys, I hate fascists more than I love video games. I’m still plugging away at my review of Neptunia: Sisters Vs Sisters, but considering the slow progress I’ve made both in writing reviews and playing games, I’m going to wait until I share what games I intend to cover in the future. Anyway here’s the recap of the last two months.
Standard Review: UnderParty (PC) (NSFW)
Standard Review: Saint Maker (PC/Switch)
Amazing VGM: Wish of the Princess (Paper Mario)
Son of a bitch, I just started writing and I already feel fatigued. Well, I suppose it’s more accurate to say I feel fatigued all the fucking time. Why does the human body suck harder than I suck my girfriend’s dick? I swear to non-existent atheist Christ, just writing a blurb for these site update pieces gets harder and harder because my body is shit, and I don’t just mean because of male puberty for once. I guess I’m just so tired from carrying around these enormous fucking tits all day, and this enormous brain to.
Yeah, that’s right, I said I’m smart. I get all the jokes in Rick and Morty, and my IQ is way bigger than Elon Musk’s. By the way, Elon Musk is a pedophile. It’s totally legal to call him that according to the precedent set by his own case. Remember when he called the Submarine Diver guy a pedo, and then defended it in court by arguing that it’s an attraction so it’s not defamatory. So it’s entirely legal to say Elon Musk raped little kids in the butt on Epstein’s island! See, what do you need a lawyer for, when you’ve got me!
Disclaimer: Don’t be a moron and take this seriously. Though if you do, you’re probably stupid enough to deserve the consequences.
Yeah, now I’m back to being depressed and just, honestly, broken. Honestly, I’ve had shit going on in private that is genuinely so terrible that I’m not even comfortable sharing it publicly. And keep in mind the type of shit I HAVE shared publicly in the past. I just keep getting thrown setback after setback at me, them each growing in general intensity, and overtime, I just find myself becoming drained. Everything just feels completely overwhelming.
On the other hand, there is something empowering about continuing to do what I do in spite all of the hardship, and the fact that in spite of everything, I continue to get up each day, and keep fighting for what I believe in, and keep creating content for all of you… even if the latter sometimes slows to a crawl.
Anyway, time to shout out Patrons. My thanks goes out to MzMilena, Diana Asteria, Silvermoon9000, Jimbolance, Public L, Marking14, Mingyao, BondageKitty, Mr 1-87th Sane, Kyle Brazell, Null Blahaj, enny, Yuster Yumeister, Cat Stedman, Edith Tazmin Burke, Burrbank, Ciro Duran, Rana Newlove, Kino 2049, D Inacio, Sam, Kelly Gallagher, and IceTheRetroKid. I immensely appreciate all of your support.
If you would like to support me or this site, then please make a donation to my Cashapp ($AnniegaIIa) or Venmo if you would like to see higher quality content with more resources to put towards it. If you don’t want to spend any money on me, then you can also help out by liking my posts on my SubscribeStar, or simply sharing my blog on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, or anywhere else where others will see it. You can also follow this blog if you would like to be kept up to date on my stuff.
Anyway, I will do my best to post some good stuff in the next few months.
Hang in there!