Top 5 Games Reviewed On Guardian Acorn in its Fourth Year

Well shit, Guardian Acorn’s 4th birthday just passed! I’m still quite in awe that this experiment of mine has lasted this long, and I’m hoping that it continues to last. And now comes the tradition where I take one last chance to talk about the best and the worst games I reviewed this year. Okay …

Amazing VGM: Smiles & Tears (EarthBound)

Another years has come to a close, and It is time for me to end this year the same way as I usually do, with a highly emotional ending theme from one of my favorite games of all time. EarthBound holds a near and dear place in my heart, and I can’t help but become …

MOTHER 3 (GBA): A Genuine Classic (Detailed Review)

I really should have played this game a lot sooner than I did. I’ve commonly listed EarthBound as one of, if not my favorite games of all time. It’s hard to believe that my review of EarthBound was only the 2nd review I ever wrote, and yet I did not get around to even playing …

Amazing VGM: The Eight Melodies (EarthBound Beginnings)

Oh what’s this? Annie has remembered that her Amazing VGM series exists after not posting one since May? Yeah, this series has been put on the back burner for quite some time. Really this blog, in general, was more of a side thing since I have been so heavily focused on political activism as of …

Fangame Review: Mother: Cognitive Dissonance

I have been a fan of the EarthBound series for many years at this point. I first became a fan from watching various lets plays of the game back around 2008 or 2009, because at the time I knew nothing about roms and emulators, and I clearly could not afford a copy of EarthBound. After …

EarthBound (SNES/GBA): Pure Artistic Desire (Detailed Review)

EarthBound is a game that has been well received since its introduction, but has only recently received a serious look by mainstream gaming websites in the past few years. We now find it frequently in top-10 lists near the number one spot. The weird thing about this however, is that Nintendo of America has ignored …

RPGs of the Famicom: Earthbound Beginnings

With the release of Earthbound Beginnings on the Wii U e-shop, Nintendo of America has corrected a 26 year old mistake on their part. Earthbound Beginnings is the prequel to Earthbound on the SNES that was not originally released in Japan. The game was originally intended to be localized but was canceled despite the localization …

Amazing VGM: Megalovania (Halloween Hack/Homestuck/Cognitive Dissonance/Undertale)

Note: This was originally written as a DeviantArt journal entry on October 21st of 2016 with some edits made. Major spoiler warning for Halloween Hack, Mother: Cognitive Dissonance, and Undertale. It is about time I get to another entry on a video game song given how long it has been since the last one. As …

Amazing VGM: The Eye Awakens a Jungle (Earthbound)

How surprising that I have yet to make an Amazing VGM entry on my favorite game of all time. Yes, I have covered something from Earthbound Beginnings, The Halloween Hack, and Cognitive Dissonance, but not Earthbound itself. Anyway, I am going to be covering one of the more underrated tracks in the game, the area …

Amazing (kinda) VGM: Megalo Strike Back

Yes I know, I shill for Undertale way too much in Amazing VGM… and in general to I suppose, but mostly in amazing VGM I suppose. But aha, this song technically isn’t from Undertale so I can still make this one anyway. To clarify, this track is not from EarthBound either, nor is it from …