Note: This poem was originally posted on my Patreon account on December 24th of 2021. If you’d like to see these poems when they are first put up then please consider pledging to my Patreon page.
Tell me why you hate me?
What did I do wrong?
State to me why I’ve been burning for so long.
I cry for mercy, I beg and scream to no avail.
You only pretended to care so you could watch me struggle.
The twisting, the turning, the biting, the burning, the scratching, the tearing, the flashing, the yearning, the mourning, the storming, the shocking, the scraping, the cutting, the bruising, the endless…
What did I do wrong?
It’s fine…
Nobody will have to deal with me much longer…
I know I’ve been a burden and a blight…
And horrible…
I hate myself more than anyone else…
Just fuck all of this…
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