Standard Review: Dungeon Travelers: To Heart 2 in Another World (PC/PSP/Vita)

This is another Fuwanovel review, even though the game itself is not a visual novel. Well, it’s a spinoff of a visual novel, and it was localized by a company that specializes in visual novels, and the code was given to Fuwanovel, so that’s the site it will be posted on. This one was …

Nukige Septic Tank: Taimanin Asagi (PC) (NSFW)

Well, it’s time for another Fuwanovel review. This one took a while for me to get to, and even longer for it to get posted. Yeah, the first entry in the Taimanin series… kinda sucks ngl. Despite that, I’m still considering Taimanin Yukikaze, if only because it looks much better and it has much …

The Shell Part I: Inferno (PC) Girl in a Shiny New Shell (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

It took a while for this one to get posted, but it’s finally up. I currently have one other review for Fuwanovel in progress, that being Taimanin Asagi. Though before I start writing that one, I do have one review I intend to get out for Guardian Acorn to hold you all over, but …