CW: In depth Discussion of pedophillia, rape, grooming, murder, bestiality, gaslighting, hurtcore, stalking, cyberbullying, revenge porn, doxxing, animal cruelty, incest, blackmail, antisemitism, transphobia, child abuse, suicide, DARVO, ableism, apologia for rape and pedophillia, anti-black and anti-Asian racism, and sexual abuse of infants. This piece will deal with some very heavy subject matter.
All claims of illegal activity are alleged. All evidence of illegal activity has been forward to the proper authorities.
I just need to warn you before hand, the things you are about to read will get dark, much darker than anything I’ve ever written or talked about. The things I’ve seen and experienced while documenting Cassandra’s activities, and trying to help her victims, they change a person. I will never go back to being the person I once was after this. It’s one thing to hear about people who commit depraved, criminal acts, but it’s another thing to witness it, and to see someone you once cared for, someone you risked your reputation for, someone you viewed as a daughter figure, do something like this.
Simultaneously, I feel the need to open myself up, to fully expose what she has done, and to tell this full story, but also, I’ve been left so traumatized that recounting this story is tantamount to self harm. At time of writing, my mental state is so fragile and vulnerable that I can’t get myself to write anything beyond how broken I am. Words cannot convey it. I’m honestly shocked that my career and my life has taken this turn.
I need to make this as clear as possible, this goes WAY beyond mere drama content. Unless you’re a serious true crime fanatic, you’ve probably never heard of a case as fucked up as what you are about to hear. In a way, I should be honored. How many people get the chance to document an individual as sick and depraved as Cassandra Mel in real time, watching as her mental state and morals decay, assuming she even had them to begin with. Rarely does one get the document this type of shit up front, and as a journalist, it’s an incredible opportunity. But it comes at a horrible, horrible price.

One of my greatest frustrations with the state of online drama and discourse is the media-fiction of real world events. People will take the most tragic and harrowing events that can happen to a person, and respond to it like they are watching a TV show or playing a game, and thus, creators attempt to use these events to create a narrative of their own. Nothing simply exists in a vacuum, and everything is part of a grander statement. And yes, this also applies to some of my own writing.
That being said, I refuse to let it apply to this particular case. What Cassandra Mel has done is so appalling, that I don’t feel it is appropriate to connect her to any larger narrative. The last time I directly addressed Cassandra Mel, it was to address how she abused me and attempted to groom me into dangerous illegal behavior, and how the online left inadvertently helped her. I stand by what I said in that article, but I also feel that there’s nothing else for me to say. I’ve considered documenting some of Cass’s online history before she became a sexual predator, but there isn’t much of a point in it.
Everyone was royally pissed off at Cass at the start of 2023 because she said a bunch of insane racist shit, and I tried to be her friend to set her on the right path. Seeing someone you tried so hard to help turn out to be someone this depraved tends to invoke a sense of existential dread. I’ve made some unfortunate judgements in character in the past, but how did I manage that with someone of this magnitude? It’s something I’ve thought about quite often, and I think I understand why. I’ve talked about how I’ve had some naive tendencies to see the best in other people, but I don’t think that’s the only reason.

Instead, I saw the worst in myself. I haven’t really gone into much detail on the whole “I thought I was a pedophile for eight months” thing, namely because doing so involves a level of public vulnerability that I have not been comfortable displaying in a long time, but I may be able to do so now. The thing to understand is, Pedophilia OCD is often misrepresented, in part because OCD is misrepresented in general. People think OCD is just “needing everything to be neat and tidy” when it’s more accurately described as “having a mental breakdown because a family member moved something of yours to a different spot and you can’t find it” or “freaking out that you may have left the oven on, even though you specifically made sure to check before you leave.”
So, now that the basic explanation of OCD is out of the way, POCD is that, but replace “I left the oven on?” with “I’m a pedophile.” I also need to emphasize, no one in my inner circle was convinced of me being a pedophile. Two of the reasons I thought I was were literally “I’m sometimes attracted to 19 year olds” and “I care a lot about protecting children.” Yes, that “confession” that everyone uses against me, exists because I thought that caring too much about children made me a pedophile, and people used that to claim that I abuse children.
Speaking of which, the entire reason anyone knows about that “confession” is because of Cass. Cass has proven that my darkest secret is that my worse fear is being the type of person that Cass actually is. Oh yeah, I got a bit sidetracked. I realized that the reason why I was so attached to Cass, was because I hated myself so much, that I viewed her as a worse version of myself. This lead to some odd form of projection on my part, where I viewed Cass as having a magnified version of my worst traits, but also having my positive traits on some level, and that she could be steered towards self betterment.
I do want to emphasize, these “worst traits” don’t even refer to her pedophilic attractions. Contrary to popular belief, pedophilic attractions can be managed, and people who have them can lead ethical lives. And they should, because “keeping it in your pants” is a very low bar for anyone to clear. In actuality, Cass’s worst traits are her impulsivity, her narcissism, and her lack of any self awareness. And yes, the word “narcissism” is thrown around quite a lot, I saw that Sarah Z video to, but if there was ever a text book example of a malignant narcissistic, it would be Cass.

I’m put in a bit of a bind when it comes to addressing Cass. This woman has traumatized me in ways that I’m still realizing a year after I cut ties with her, and there are still people who believe her claims that I abused her thanks to Dreamleaf’s bullshit. But I’m far from the only victim of Cass’s abuse, and what she’s done to me pales in comparison to what she’s done to them. For the purposes of this article, I will talk about everything I realized about Cass in the order I found out about it, rather than chronological order. But before that, there is some misinformation that needs to be cleared up about Cass.
Prior to my own attempt to reform Cass, there was another group of people that tried something similar. This group of people consisted of Alex J Kelly, Crusader Allie, Waagh, and Bernhard/Schilchera. Much like my own, their attempt to de-Nazify Cass was a catastrophic failure, that ended with them making a callout video alleging that Cass had raped a 14 year old, but without showing any screenshots. The video also claims that the info they gathered came from them hiring a private investigator, and that a major argument broke out in a voice call because a former Atomwaffen Division member started ranting to Cass about what path that kind of hatred leads them down.
This was not what actually happened, and I know because I briefly associated with Bernhard, the fourth member of that group, who was the only one to stay committed to the cause of reforming Cass. If anything, he was a bit too committed, because he was still following Cass right up until the moment that she finally gave up on creating new accounts. Bernhard was both against the idea of “punishment” as concept because he believed it to be ineffective at any sort of rehabilitation, but it’s also clear that he was thirsting over Cass, often to the point that it creeped Cass out and pissed her off a lot.

I ended up removing Bernhard from my private Discord server because I eventually started removing anyone who still supported Cass, and also because Bernhard was kinda annoying and did not understand social skills. That being said, I knew him long enough for him to tell me what actually happened. Namely, there was no private investigator, and the “info” they gathered on Cass was because Waagh was a fed. Waagh was also the former Atomwaffen guy. I should also note, Cass told me that Waagh claimed to have raped and killed people while part of the Atomwaffen Division, so the whole thing came across as rather hypocritical.
The inconsistency in the story put forth by this group made me rather suspicious, and while I never believed Cass’s claim that they intended to use her for their “evil Jewish experiment,” I was concerned that something was going on. Especially considering how much harassment Cass received based on these rape allegations. I specifically remember some tankie scumbag named Rick Owens trying to get Cass evicted from her house based on these claims, and the fucker also threatened to doxx me as well.
I’ve seen firsthand how easily that social media will just take any allegation of sexual abuse at face value and run with it, even when someone who is well liked is accused. So someone as socially inept as Cass would be the perfect target if, say, Cass pissed this group off in an argument and they decided they wanted to take her down a peg. It didn’t help that one of Alex’s friend was some cunt named Lefty Longhair, who made a callout post pedo-jacketing me, and who had associations with the Kunta jai crowd.
That all being said, it was later revealed that Waagh, the supposed fed and former terrorist, not only lied about everything, but was also found to have created fake screenshots which he cited as “evidence” against Cass. This later lead to Alex and Allie denouncing Waagh in a new video, and taking down their previous video about Cass (though right now, neither video is up). Not gonna lie, it’s refreshing to see someone on this side of Youtube acknowledge that they accidentally aided a malicious actor, as opposed to continuing to peddle bullshit even when the source of said bullshit has been outted as untrustworthy. It’s a shame that this charity is wasted on someone who would later engage in shit that’s just as bad as what she’s accused of.
One other correction that needs to be made pertains to Cass’s leaked pre transition photos. I had previously condemned the leaking of these photos, because I didn’t realize WHY they were leaked. The photo in question is that image of Cass with a Swastika on her forehead, and it was what outted Cass as a Nazi. Most people don’t realize that the Cassandra Nya account was not the beginning of Cass’s Twitter presence. She had five previous accounts using the handles @CassMeloette, @CassandraMelNSW @CMelYTisRisen, @FreyaTsWhites, and @FreyaBlackSun. She also had a Youtube channel under the name Cassandra Mel. That being said, Cassandra Mel is not Cass’s real name, and it’s likely that Meloette isn’t either. However, she did tell me that this was fairly close to her actual last name.
Even before Cass’s Nazi phase, she still gained controversy on a few occasions. Her most notable controversy was her defense of pedophilia, which got the attention of commentary Youtube, some of whom still have videos up about her. There was even a point where Lio Convoy tried looking into her, but quit because they couldn’t get her on a voice call. None of Cass’s videos from this time period have been archived, but I assume she was doing the whole NOMAP/Anti C thing, namely because she actually had defenders at the time. One of whom was Hunter Avallone, who even had Cass as a mod on his Subreddit.
I’m personally not very familiar with Hunter Avallone, aside from knowing that he used to be a right wing chud Youtuber who changed his mind and became a liberal debate bro/facts and logic type. The thing about facts and logic though, is that they are often not popular, and one of those unpopular facts is that performative hatred and discrimination towards non-offending pedophiles harms children. Specifically, it makes non offending pedophiles scared to seek out therapy or treatment, which means they can’t get help, which in turn results in more children being harmed. Because of this, I don’t think it’s right to fault Hunter on this. Unfortunately, Shoe0nhead thought otherwise. This situation lead to the two ending up in a feud where Shoe basically pedo-jackets Hunter, to which he responds with the legendary “bad faith bimbo” nickname.

Unfortunately, Hunter made the same mistake that I would later make; using the right takes, to defend the wrong person. I can only assume that Cass was probably kicked from Hunter’s community once Cass started doing the whole “ironic Nazi” shit on her Twitter accounts, which were named after ContraPoint’s Nazi character Freya. I also assume that this is why that pre-transition photo was leaked; to prove that Cass was an actual Nazi, and that it wasn’t just a bit.

The last thing I need to discuss with Cass was the bit of information that lead me to give up on her. It was a screenshot from a private DM with her ex partner Selene, where Cass confessed the desire and INTENT to rape children as young as three years old. My last “fuck you” to Cass before my main Twitter account got suspended, was leaking this image, and trashing what little there was left of her reputation, as she did to mine. That being said, I need to address why I didn’t leak that image sooner.
The thing is, she had dirt on me that I didn’t want getting out. But then she went ahead and released that dirt, so I released what I had on her. The original plan was for a different member of my community to leak it, and to wait until after Cass forgot I existed. But that is the thing that a lot of people fail to mention whenever they use these screenshots against me, they fail to take into account why they were posted; they were leaked by a sexual predator to discredit her victim in revenge for leaving her. People who knowingly spread this claim that I’m a pedophile, are helping an actual one.

\Oh, and I forgot about the fact that she also asked a friend of mine for pictures of his 5 year old cousin to fap to, and then got mad when he wouldn’t give them to her. She then tried to claim that this same person is a sex pest. I Initially planned to release those screenshots alongside the one about her wanting to rape three year olds, and I only held back because this friend didn’t want to be publicly involved in any of this. But it’s honestly pretty tame as far as shit Cass did, which is really telling something considering the fucked up shit she said to Merrick Deville or her calling Eden Knight a “sand nigger,” and then telling me in private that she did that because she got mad that people were harassing Erin Green and telling her to kill herself, only for her to later start harassing Erin Green and telling her to kill herself.
Oh yeah, Erin Green was a frequent victim of Cass’s harassment. Cass would repeatedly try to convince Erin that her sleeping with a 16 year old when she was 21 was morally okay and normal, while Erin would acknowledge that it was a royally fucked up mistake that she intends to never repeat again. After their friendship ended, Cass would repeatedly claim that Erin is a horrific sexual predator, in spite of the fact that Cass does not believe it’s morally wrong to fuck teenagers.
I bring up Erin in particular because I actually got closer to her because of Cass, first because, while I was friends with Cass, I tried to approach her in good faith and was willing to talk to Erin despite my previous distrust of her. What I found was that Erin had ALSO been trying to get Cass to be a not shitty person. And then after both of us realized Cass was an irredeemable piece of shit, we had the mutual experience of dealing with her bullshit.

What I’ve come to realize about Cass is that she specializes in trying to bring people down to her level; to try and groom people into thinking they are just like her, and that they should hate everyone else around them. When she’s friends with you, she’ll try and justify her horrific world view to you and to try and get you over to her side. And yes, I’m aware that this was lefty Twitter’s narrative about me at the time as well. The thing is, both lefty Twitter and Cass are not as smart as they think they are. Cass thought she was grooming me into being a fascist because I humored her by feigning interest in Walter Mosley and looking into his policies. There’s a reason that I eventually fell out with Cass anyway.
She has frequently used the narrative that I an a scorned ex who is making up lies about her to get revenge, but that much is projection on her part. Having re-read the messages she sent multiple times, it was obvious that I was the one that she had feelings for. She quite literally asked me to make her my bitch for fucks sake. But Cass has a warped view of love and affection, and felt completely powerless and dependent on me. And for someone whose worldview and behavior is based around control and power over others, she couldn’t handle it. Therefore, the only option was for me to groom and abuse her into my own ideal for what she should be, much like she does to others, or to leave her. I chose the latter.
There is something deeply unsettling about the fact that Cass was more or less trying to groom me into the exact type of sick and predatory behavior that she’d later engage in, by taking advantage of my desire to help her. I didn’t realize how unsettling this was at the time, and I feel genuinely unclean thinking of it. And then there’s this frequent projection of me being a sadistic sexual predator, because that’s what she wanted me to be. For someone to have adapted so much to their own past abuse that their response to any sort of genuine care is to twist that to try and corrupt someone else. It’s horrifying, and I feel more unclean the more I think about it.

But as I said, what she did to me does not compare what she did to others. From this point on, everything I talk about will pertain to her activity after I wrote my last piece about her. So where did I leave off? CSEM possession? Hehe, I fucking WISH that was the most I had to discuss. At this point in her life, Cass fell into the habit of creating alts, and using them to harass people she didn’t like, and saying fucked up and deranged shit. At this point, the only thing working in Cass’s favor was the frequency with which her accounts got suspended, so I made sure to look through every post and every like, and archive necessary evidence.
In march of 2024, she liked the post of a 16 year old who talked about watching CSEM, about how they were groomed since they were 8, and who wanted to create a Discord server. She also replied to a teenage user asking for people to groom them with “are you cute?” She also liked some tweets from other people saying that she distributed CSEM. Some of these tweets were from November of 2023, so she was likely distributing CSEM as early as then. But she asked her followers for advice on how to access CSEM in September of that year, so it was likely even earlier. A friend of hers has also claimed that Cass has posted self produced CSEM of herself when she was a teenager. There was also a point where she posted her own baby pictures with sexually suggestive captions.
On Cass’s 36th account, named @fluffyflareon10, Cass told a 17 year old to kill herself on stream and record it so she could jerk off to it.
On Cass’s 37th account, named @literalyhitler1 (Twitter ID 1589463924734398464), she admitted to having jerked it to The Diary of Anne Frank. Anne Frank was 13.

On Cass’s 38th account, named @nothitlermkay, Cass made a number of references to “irl Cunny” and jerking it to CP. She also expressed attraction to her younger sister, who is a minor. Fun fact, during the brief period that Cass’s parents let her stay, they found out she was a pedophile. She once vented to me how ashamed her parents were, and that they wouldn’t share pics of her underage sister with her because she’d jerk it to them. She seemed offended at the idea that she would, but considering she would later thirst post about said sister, and the LAST exchange where she asked someone for pics of a young family member, I can’t say her mom was wrong to have that fear. I also know they eventually kicked her out. I don’t recall Cass telling me the reason, but there’s an unfortunate possibility that it was because she molested one of her younger siblings.

In April of 2024, on her 40th account, named @dianaincarnate, she posts this unhinged string of messages directed at me.

>Police look into me.
>Police see evidence of her criminal activity.
>Cass goes to men’s prison for CSEM possession and distribution.
>Gets shanked
>”I can’t believe Annie did this to me!!!!”
A few days later, she gets in an argument with another one of their friends, and accuses them of a bunch of fucked up shit. I’m leaving the identity of this person censored, because Cass lies and she can’t be trusted for shit, but it’s important to note that she claims this person sent her CP. In other words, that’s another public confession. Though she also claims this person has tried to convince her to poison a father and rape his daughter, before proceeding to say that her and this other person are “in this together.”
These were all some incredibly perverse and disturbing discoveries, but the worst would come on her 42nd account, @bubblesthefsh. Cass was found to have engaged in the following exchange with an account belonging to a 15 year old. For the victim’s safety, I have chosen to not include the name of the account, and will be excluding certain details. The aforementioned victim’s account was on private, so only Cass’s posts were visible. That being said, there’s more than enough to infer the context. The following is a transcript of this exchange
Cass: nah keep it, thats based as hell. and i do have one of those. just saying.
Victim: N/A
Cass: well, im happy if youre happy. glad to hear youre doing well.
Victim: N/A
Cass: Idk what name you know me by but im cass. [Name Redacted] kept telling you to block me because she thinks she owns you. do what *you* want to. dont let anyone tell you what to do. but if you of your own free will want to move away from that stuff i support it and wont pressure you.
Victim: N/A
Cass: she is not your mother. dont let anyone control you.
Victim: N/A
Cass: shes a [Age Redacted] from [Location Redacted] who [Information Redacted]. she is your friend, and thats fine, she was mine too, but she is not your mother. you are your own independent person. dont let anyone boss you around.
Victim: N/A
Cass: whatever. you do you then, pathetic retard. but dont fuck with me, i have like more than a hundred pics saved.
Cass: oopsy daisy, did you just unfollow me?..
This Post was deleted by the Post author.
Cass: i did say not to f–k with me. refollow and ill delete.
Cass: good girl. *pecks your cheek*
Victim: N/A
Cass: eh. idk at this point. im happy to just let you live your life and go about your normal days, im not here to coerce anything from you that you dont want to give. just be nice and chill and friendly and stuff. you dont have to serve me or anything, just dont be an ass.
Victim: N/A
Cass: i mean im here to coerce you into being nice to me, but you dont have to send or perform or anything for me. all you gotta do is be nice. im not asking for pics or vids and you to worship or serve me, all i ask is just dont be an ass. pretty simple no?
Victim: N/A
Cass: well i have many more i would happily post if you make me. and i could even post them on the dark web so you cant report or even see them, but youll know theyre out there being leered at and used by hundreds of men.
Victim: N/A
So, if it was not obvious based on the context provided, Cass claimed to have hundreds of nudes belonging to a 15 year old, posted revenge porn of that child, and threatened to post them on the dark web. And she did all of this on main. On literally the same day that I found out about this, there were two other other incident involving Cass. The first of which is a convo she had with a fellow CSEM distributor known as Gender Aryan. Cass has gotten in quite a few arguments with former friends, who she’d later claim are also pedophiles, or even fellow CSEM consumers or distributors. I’ve choose to proceed with caution regarding these people, because I know firsthand that Cass is not exactly honest about these things. But I know enough about Gender Aryan to suggest that this is all true.
In the middle of an argument, Cass outs Gender Aryan for being a CSEM distributor… by saying that she’s received hundreds of files of CSEM from her. She even includes a screenshot of Gender Aryan’s Telegram sending what is supposedly a file. She also shares some personal information of Gender Aryan’s, though Aryan claims it’s not accurate. The reason I’ve decided to not censor Gender Aryan’s identity, is because they are openly in support of CSAM consumption, and have made it clear they are every bit as vile as Cass is. This is why I’m fully in favor of Gender Aryan being dragged down with Cass.

On the same day, a call out thread was posted by an 18 year old user detailing how Cass had groomed a 16 year old girl, and had threatened to leak the nudes of both the 16 year old, and the 18 year old, in addition to threatening to publish fake DMs. Cass has allegedly spent months using the threat of blackmail to force them both to be her friends, venting to them, and threatening them if they weren’t nice enough. Eventually, Cass leaked the 16 year old’s nudes anyway over a petty argument, which was what prompted the 18 year old to make the callout post.
Despite the fact that the 18 year old is a legal adult, I’m choosing to keep her identity anonymous so that the identity of the 16 year old is also kept secret. That being said, I’m also doing so because Cass’s modus operandi is blackmail. She specifically targets vulnerable people who have something to hide, and holds it over them as a means of control. It’s what she attempted to do to me, and it’s what she’s done to every victim mentioned thus far. She’s also outed a few other accounts as supposed pedophiles or consumers/distributors of CSEM, as seen with Gender Aryan (who is the only one of these people I will name). This method of abuse becomes more apparent when the victims give their testimony.
It was after this string of events that I choose to contact the victims using private accounts of mine. I used this to gain their testimony and further information to report to law enforcement. Up until this point, everything was a mix of petty revenge and morbid curiosity, but I had at that point decided that my goal was Cass’s arrest. For the rest of this article, I will assign an alias to each of the victims that I will refer to them as. The 18 year old will be referred to as “Linus,” the 16 year old will be “Lucy” and the 15 year old who Cass threatened on main will be “Wile E.” Later victims will be given similar aliases as we proceed.
At the time the past incident occurred, I had created a short lived Twitter account, and told Linus about my own experience with Cass. I talked to her, and then she pointed me in the direction of Lucy, who I talked to at length in DMs. The following is a transcript of our exchange, with some sections removed to protect that victim’s privacy. Be warned, this is where shit starts to get incredibly dark.
Lucy Hey. Uhm. Do you know me?
Me: Linus directed me to you. I have a friend in Cassandra Mel’s area who can report her to local authorities, and I’ve been collecting evidence of her criminal behavior for said friend to forward to them. Linus posted a thread about what she did to you to. I wanted to ask if there’s any additional evidence or testimony you’d be willing to provide, so I can include that with the other stuff my friend is reporting. I’ve been tracking Cass and her predatory behavior for quite some time, as I’m also someone she abused in the past. She’s done this shit to a lot of people, In fact, I know four different people she revenge porned. (Note: The actual number of people is three, as a previous victim turned out to be Lucy without me realizing.)
Lucy: I’ll talk about it when I get off work in an hour.’
TLDR I’m 16, I started texting cassander wantinbf to help her. It devolped into a sexting relationship. I wanted to impress and see what it was like. So, I viewed CP. It was really bad. She threatened to “expose” me if I didn’t cut myself. So I put it all out. And she leaked my nudes.
Me: That is horrible. Wow. I’m so sorry you had to deal with her to. Anyway, will see you soon, please take care.
Lucy: Hey. So, What do you need? Personally I don’t want cassander to have more of a reason to attack me., And, I don’t want the possibility of irl authorities contacting me.
Me: Yeah, I understand that concern. Are you fearful they may go after you for something, or do you just not like police?
Lucy: Also I feel awful.
Lucy: I’m scared they’ll go after me. Because I did ask to see it. And say some bad things.
Me: That is understandable. Cass has done this to a lot of people. Her gameplan is to target people with POCD or pedophiles, and to coerce them into unethical behavior that she can use as blackmail fodder.
Lucy: I still feel evil for it.
Lucy: POCD?
Me: Pedophillia OCD, it’s a form of OCD based around recurring thoughts that one is a pedophile. Anyway, my question was if there’s any evidence of Cass of Cass revenge porning you or attempting to black mail you. I am aware that not wanting the police to go looking into you makes things tricky, but I figure it’s worth asking.
Lucy: I don’t have it saved anymore, but, I had dms of her threatening to post everything if I didn’t slit my wrists because she was annoyed at me for “not being a good enough friend” and being uncomfortable with pedophillia.
Me: That will work.
Lucy: I’m just depressed so many people think I’m a pedo and hate me now. I’m scared it’ll come to me irl. And ruin all my relationships.And make me a sex offender.
Me: Believe me, I know that feeling. She leaked DMs of me saying I was one at a time when I thought I was one, and I got doxxed over it. That being said, I don’t think you have to worry about the police looking into you. And even if you did, they couldn’t get you on anything if you don’t have the CSEM she shared with you saved. Police tend to ignore your standard CSEM consumers unless they are reported. The only concern would be if you distributed it, (though if you shared your nudes with anyone while you were underage that may be a concern), which is also why I suspect Cass will be going down soon. That being said, this is something I want to be careful with, and your safety is very much a concern for me. As much as I want Cass behind bars, I want to make sure her victims are safe as well.
Lucy: CSEM?
Me: Child sex abuse material. CP basically
Lucy: Also. Can I ask you a really weird question?
Me: Sure
Lucy: Wtf is “Daisys destruction.” I saw screenshots that had two pedos talking about it,
Like a month ago.
Me: A horrific piece of CSEM that involves a 9 month old infant being sexually abused and tortured. It used to be sold pedophiles on the dark web for $20,000. It was considered so horrific that most people thought it was a creepypasta until the guy who created it got caught.
Me: Yeah, I think felt a chill when you asked me that. I hope you weren’t exposed to it.
Lucy: I wasn’t. But, That, Is a lot worse than I thought. I made it clear to her I didn’t want to see any stuff with infants. Or anything violent.
Me: Wait, did Cass talk about Daisy’s Destruction?
Lucy: No. I saw screenshots of two people talking about it, Just randos on twitter.
Me: Yeah, I’d avoid those people. For obvious reasons.
Lucy: Cass has probably seen it though. I permantly quit twitter.
Me: Is there anything she said to suggest that she has? Or is this just a guess?
Lucy: At first, She pretended she didn’t like infants. Or anything like that. But, after she showed me cp, and went full mask off. She said she did. Also, She posted about it all the time on her private.
Me: About infants in general or Daisy’s Destruction?
Lucy: Infants
Me: Yeah, she’s fucked alright.
Lucy: She has a huge stash of cp, On a hard drive She hides.
Me: Did she tell you anything about where she hides it?
Lucy: No, and she’s moved a lot. Also, she uh, kinda raped her friends dog.
Me: Fuck.
Lucy: The dog just “gave” her a blowjob.
Me: So, a question, do I have your permission to share parts of this convo with law enforcement? I could leave out shit that implicates you, and just include this as testimony against her. I could also blur out your name, if that’s also a concern.
Lucy: Yeah that would be preferred.
Me: Thank you. Also feel free to DM me if you ever need someone to talk to. I’m sorry you had to experience all this, and I hope things look up for you.
So uhhh, now you see why I was so distressed throughout the past year; this was the type of shit that I had to hold onto. This convo was both terrifying and heartbreaking, for multiple reasons. The first of which was the revelation that my prediction of Cass coercing others into illegal activity was proven true, and even worse, he did so to minors. The traumatizing abuse that Cass subjected me to… was also done to literal children. And much like with myself, Lucy’s attempts to come forward were met with scorn. Subsequent convos with her have revealed that she was ostracized from friend groups for being groomed by Cass, and I’ve still seen people on Twitter making disparaging comments about her within the last month. One group of people even doxxed her.
If you’ve ever heard of “rape culture,” then here you have a prime example of it. A 16 year old literally being bullied and cyberstalked, for being a victim of grooming On some level, I believed the abuse I received may have been a fluke. I’ll fully admit, I fucked up by trusting Cass, and I was overly naive and foolish. But there is no excuse for the appalling way that Lucy was treated, and anyone who subjected her to any mistreatment over this is not far behind Cass in terms of morality.
There’s also the troubling revelations brought about from this convo. The fact that Cass quite literally tried to coerce her into killing herself, her enormous CSEM stash, her raping a dog, all of this is stomach churning. However, the most disturbing is the name dropping of the infamous hurtcore video Daisy’s Destruction. While it isn’t confirmed that Cass had this video in her enormous collection of illegal child abuse material, there’s several signs that it’s not outside the realm of possibility.
On a previous account, Cass was mutuals with a user who claimed that Peter Scully was “one of her favorite Aussies.” This leads to Cass stating that Scully was an actual abuser, and “that wasn’t adult child love, that was sadomasochist torture of a toddler!” The mutuals response was, I kid you not, “that Scully was based because he harmed non-white children.” Cass still followed this mutual after this discussion. She was literally more offended by Gender Aryan smoking weed.
Another piece of evidence to support the hypothesis that Cass wants to rape infants is her admiration for former Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins, who was convicted for numerous sex offenses against children in 2013. One of the offenses that Watkins was convicted of was “conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with a one-year-old girl.” Cass would make many statement praising Watkins, one of which read “God Ian Watkins is so f–ing cool… What a bloody madlad. Absolute chad. I need him sm.” So yeah, she’s sexually attracted to a literal baby rapist, yet she draws the line at Peter Scully? I have my doubts.

There’s one more disturbing piece of information that I obtained from Lucy, something that was not told in the initial exchange. Cass supposedly has a “last resort” plan. The aforementioned plan is to get a gun, rape some kids, kill the aforementioned kids, and then kill herself. She also once told her that “there’s an 8 year old in the unlocked apartment next to me, fucking try me.” Truth be told, this is why it took me so long to come forward about all of this. Cass has used the threat of abusing or possibly even killing children as a means of keeping people from holding her accountable.
What makes Cass such a dangerous person is her impulsivity, and the reckless lack of self preservation. Cass has had multiple suicide attempts in the last two years alone, and when I was still friends with her, I recall her attractions and desires weighing very heavily on her. There was a point where, in DMs, she told me that she hadn’t consumed CSEM, but was becoming increasingly tempted to. This was another major reason why I gave her so many chances, because I was scared of what would happen if she didn’t get access to the help she needed. I was fully aware that I’m not a mental health professional, but my hope was that I could offer enough support until she found one. That never happened, and instead she just got worse and worse.
The problem is that Cass believes it’s other people’s responsibility to fix her and to help her, and so she holds her own self betterment hostage as a way of getting what she wants. Her social media feed is frequently filled with her threatening suicide or other self destructive behaviors, as a direct means of getting attention from her followers. Now, this behavior is fairly common among mentally ill people online, but what makes this unusual in Cass’s case is her tendency to seek out other’s attention, while also picking fights with her own friends and ditching them over the pettiest of circumstances.
Following the time she attempted when we were still friends, there were a lot of people who messaged me asking me to share it with her while she was still in the hospital. There was an outpouring of support in her favor, and most of it was from leftists. Think about how unprecedented it is for an open Nazi pedophile to get that kind of support from people who genuinely wanted to see her get the help she needed, and to improve her life. Now think of how she squandered all of that and betrayed the trust of anyone who put their faith in her, only to go on and whine about how she has no friends and everyone hates her.
Anyway, Cass didn’t respond well to Linus’s callout thread, so she responded by leaking their revenge porn. Because nothing disproves allegations that you committed revenge porn quite like committing revenge porn.

I also want to add that I had actually witnessed Cass leaking Lucy’s nudes firsthand, and even had a screenshot as evidence, albeit a censored one. I deleted the original shortly after taking it because no decent human being keeps revenge porn on their computer. That being said, I went ahead and deleted even the censored version after finding out Lucy’s age. It’s one thing to see someone say a bunch of fucked up shit about what they want to do to kids, but actually witnessing it, without having the context that this person is a kid? Revenge porn is already such a sickening behavior even when done to an adult, I was quite literally subjected to it myself, but when done to a child, it provokes such a visceral level of disgust, I don’t think I can adequately express how traumatizing this was to me.
And I know, I’m probably preaching to the choir here. Like “yeah, we get it, child porn is bad,” but do you? Hatred of CSEM is pretty much ubiquitous, enough so that people don’t even need to think about why it’s wrong to begin with. The subject of pedophilia has become a literal joke, with the names of prolific sex traffickers like Epstein or Diddy being used as memes to clown on people for shit as tame as liking weird anime or being queer. So yeah, I think people know that it’s bad to post child porn, but I don’t think they can explain why.
The reason why, is because CSEM, by its very nature, is revenge porn of children. But revenge porn is not nearly as widely condemned as CSEM is, otherwise there would be no states where revenge porn is legal, or is anything less than a felony. I’ve literally met supposed “progressive leftists” who deny that the concept of non contact sexual abuse exists, people who are well liked in leftist spaces. Most people do not realize that non-contact sexual abuse can, in some cases, be WORSE than sexual abuse with contact, especially in cases of revenge porn, where the victim is forced to relive one of the worst moments of their life every time those pics resurface, and that they get to know that some sick bastards are jerking off to them.

There are some deluded people who believe that as long as they aren’t the one physically raping or abusing a child, that they are free from guilt. And as a society, we recognize these people for the sick bastards that they are, but how many people really think about the source of every image or video in their porn folder? How many of them know for sure whether or not these videos were consensually posted, or if they still want them out there? Now think of how often celebrity nudes get leaked, and how quick they are to spread. There’s a common saying that “once something is on the internet, you can’t get it off.” Anyway, imagine all that, and then picture someone trying to argue that children are perfectly capable of understanding the risks of posting their nudes online.
Cass is one of those people. She literally tried to argue with me at one point, that simple possession of CSEM should be legal, and that it should only be a crime to purchase, produce, or distribute it. This was, of course, before she distributed it herself. The fact that some people are so detached from reality, that they can justify jerking it to or distributing the nudes of a teenager that were leaked as revenge porn, is sickening. Even more so that this is the precise reason that it appeals to some people. And it’s because of this, that having even a censored version of one of those images on my computer, without awareness of its true purpose, made me feel sick; even more so because Lucy is someone I know and whose safety and well being I am invested in. It’s for reasons like this that there will never be a point where I recommend people engage in this kind of work, because this kind of shit takes you to dark places.
We’re not even close to done by the way, though you won’t be blamed if you back out now.
In addition to Lucy and Linus, I also contacted Wile E, the 15 year old that Cass blackmailed, and claimed to have hundreds of pics of. Wile E was initially hesitant to trust, likely because they were closer to lefty Twitter, which I don’t have a stellar reputation on, and there were literally people in the replies telling her I’m a pedophile and that I’m Cass’s ex. Our first exchange was as follows.
Me: Is Cass hurting you? I promise, nothing will leave these DMs. I saw her recent posts at you. I’m very concerned for your safety, and I know first hand she’s a very dangerous individual.
Wile E: Who are you..?
Me: I’m someone who has been tracking Cass’s activities for a while, and I’m a former friend of her’s who she hurt. I know a lot of people who have been hurt by her.
Wile E: Ok. I don’t really want any part in that sort of thing.
Me: She’s ranted about me a few times. Claims I’m an ex partner of hers, and that I’m “stalking” her.
Me: It’s okay, I just want to make sure that you are safe, and feel free to come to me if she’s putting you in any danger.
Wile E: Yeah Cass has my nudes or whatever and they found me on this new acc (I abandoned my old one to get away from them) and said they’d post my nudes if I didn’t get along with them and be friends or whatever. At first I was going to comply but I was like nah fuck this and unfollowed. They posted some of my nudes (mid ones to, I have way better). But idc much, dozens upon dozens of pedos already have my nudes. That doesn’t bother me much. They claimed they would post them on CP sites too, which idc much about either. I blocked them eventually. I’d like to leave it behind me. Thanks for reaching out though
Me: I figured that was the case. I bring this up because I know someone who knows Cass irl, her local police are building a case against her. This could get her thrown in prison.
Wile E: Alright well I DEFINITELY don’t want to get involved in any legal stuff so… Hope they get locked away or whatever, use what I told you if you wanna ig but I’m not going to be working with any form of law enforcement or government stuff.
Me: Ah, gotcha. Also if you’re going to give anyone your nudes, I’d be quite careful. One can get in trouble for CSEM distribution even if they are a minor. But thank you, I appreciate the help, and I hope you are safe.
Wile E: I’m aware, I was coerced for every nude I sent, and I haven’t done so in months. I regret it and would like to leave it behind, I have a partner now and I love them a lot. Thanks!
Over time, Wile E was more willing to open up about Cass’s behavior, and was willing to provide screenshots, and even a video recording of one convo following the incident.

I got out of bed at all.
So, we can see that Cass has no sense of boundaries or any shame. I’m fucking tired, but I haven’t even transcribed the Twitter exchange yet. This one is bad, I’m honestly dreading this, because reading this exchange actively drains the desire to live out of me, and replaces it with agonizing rage. And considering how often I’m complimented for how well I can handle writing about disturbing subject matter and fucked up people, this will likely scar some people. But if you made it this far, you know what you’re in for.
Wile E: Why did you post the mid ones lol? I’m more offended by that than anything.
Cass: Cause maybe you don’t deserve to have the best ones posted. Don’t want to flatter you. Just picked four that are different enough to have variety. Don’t worry, the complete collection will be up on .onion sites soon.
Wile E: Link so I can jerk off to any replies anything gets.
Cass: bruh. so much for being past that.
Wile E: Will you send me the links or not?
Cass: It’s no fun if you want it.
Wile E: Ugh I don’t even jack off to anything besides my partner bitch. I wanna self harm while looking at how many people have seen them, but I thought saying this would be more likely to get me the links. Damn
Cass: Yeah, but baby I don’t really believe you.
Wile E: Don’t call me that.
Cass: Yeah, you’re not a baby, you’re a big boy.
Wile E: Not the reason. And what, are you transphobic now lmaoo? Too ashamed that you’re a troon too?
Cass: I haven’t been a troon in many months. I de transitioned 8 months ago.
Wile E: Aw poor girl in denial.
Cass: Bruh, I just posted child porn of you. There is nothing “girl” about me.
Wile E: Lmao alright. Posted mid CP anyway.
Cass: Don’t worry, I’ve sent the whole collection to multiple people and will post it when I get the chance.
Wile E: How many lol.
Cass: Calling yourself mid? Aww bb, don’t do that. Don’t be mean to yourself. You’re a beautiful lil cutie.
Wile E: Lowkey sounds like you’re just trying to scafe me.
Wile E: Scare?
Wile E: Scare**
Cass: Only 3 so far. I don’t have many friends lol. But when I get my laptop this afternoon when I get back to my accommodation im staying in ill boot up tor and get it further.
Cass: Then why not post some yourself? (Note: This was in response to Wile E’s bit about the pics being mid. Transcript format means that the post being replied to isn’t displayed)
Wile E: My nudes are only for my partner to see now.
Cass: and who is this boyfriend of yours? what’s he like?
Wile E: Fuck Off. I’m not telling you who they are.
Cass: i don’t need a name or @, just tell me a lil about them. im interested, i care about you.
Wile E: SHUT UP. No you fucking don’t!
Cass: i am genuinely interested in your life and how you are going and what youve been up to.
Wile E: No you aren’t. You’re just trying to get me to come back to you. Fuck off!
Cass: i mean that would be an added bonus but have you considered that maybe i don’t have many friends and that i like you, not just as a sex object but as a person, and that im genuinely interested in talking and getting to know what youre up to cause i don’t really have many friends i talk to and im lonely and would like to talk more.
Cass: it does sadden me the defensive way you act whenever someone is nice to you. So hurt, so broken, so fearful. too afraid to even accept kindness.
Wile E: Shut up. You don’t care about me. Also *maybe* just maybe theres a reason you have so little friends? Idk something to look at. Anyways is there literally any way I could get those links yes or no.
Cass: and what would that reason be bb?
Wile E: Gee I wonder.
Cass: No please, do tell.
Wile E: Also why would it bug me that youre gonna post my stuff online? Like ok not like its gonna affect me. I ain’t got pedos DMing me daily anymore so likee, idgaf.
Cass: because youll know its permanently out there.
Wile E: It…already is?? Lol
Cass: idfk. personally i think cp is based but the people who advocate against it claim that knowing stuff of you is out there causes the tRAuMa to persist. (Note: The spelling of the word “trauma” uses alternating capital and lowercase letters, reminiscent of the “Mocking SpongeBob” meme. This basically means that Cass finds the notion of CSA trauma to be absurd and childish.)
Wile E: ive already gotten over the knowledge of that.
Cass: based. stuff from how long ago? any linkies? (Note: This is Wile E stating that they already have CSEM of them out there on the internet, and Cass asking for links to it.)
Wile E: Well, yeah, had to work through it but idc much anymore sooo.
Wille E: No one gives me them!! (Note: This is in response to Cass’s request for “linkies,” referencing Cass’s own refusal to provide links)
Cass: haha True xx.
Wile E: Nothing when I was younger I started the game late at 15 so. Well, i chatted with pedos at 14 but never sent nudes until 15.
Cass: Sad.
Wile E: Anyways the knowledge its out there doesn’t bother me much only thing that can really bug me anymore is pedos dming me and im away from that so. Anyways am I gonna get the links at all or nah.
Cass: that doesn’t bother you. don’t lie to me bb, you and i both know you like it. you openly post shit *literally* asking for it.
Wile E: Im literally having a breakdown cus of you rn lol but alright, only time i cried in the past 3 months was when a pedo DMd me. I have a partner now and being with them has showed me i can get what i was always looking for without having to whore myself to pedos. i domt want pedo attention anymore.
Cass: and what about it upsets you? cause clearly you enjoy it, but then you get all upset cause the way society has demonized it and groomed you into viewing it as wrong and forcing you into regret and self loathing. the social conditioning hurts you, cause it’s clear as day that in the moment you love it.
Wile E: Fuck off. You disgust me. Anyways its clear that I’m not getting those links so uh bye.
Soooooo… where do I even begin? I want to start off by saying that Cass literally sounds like a sex trafficker, and I can say this first hand having known victims of child sex trafficking. I read those DMs, and I wonder how the fuck I ever ended up with someone like this as a friend. And this is not to deny the red flags that were present back when we were friends, but, was she always like this? No one ever expects someone they personally cared about and were close to to be a literal monster, but I… there’s been a recurring theme in my writing where I struggle to find the words to describe how I feel about something, but this, I actually have nothing, other than sheer terror, and sheer regret.
Wile E is a very strong young woman, and I’m very proud of her for standing up to Cass as good as she did. While I have made a commitment to protect all of Cass’s victims, I must admit that I relate to Wile E’s struggles in particular. Cass attempting to gaslight her into believing she “enjoyed” being a CSA victim was especially horrible, not just due to Cass being that depraved, but because she’s crafty enough to understand that the general public does not understand CSA trauma, and would easily brush both Wile E and myself under the same stroke as Cass, in spite of the fact that said trauma exists entirely because of people like Cass. What do you think that says to people who survive CSA to tell them that their abuser has succeeded in making them into the same type of monster that they are?
Do you have any idea how many times I’ve had disgusting, rape apologetic vermin compare me to Cass? Do you know how many of these people are so called “leftists” or “progressives,” who will claim to be a crusader for protecting children or that we need to combat rape culture? And do you know what it says to people like Wile E when people do this?

Well, I’ll tell you this. In the past year, Wile E has gone back to Cass more than once, and has frequently struggled with sexual trauma stemming from being repeatedly groomed by people like Cass. A subject like this is… difficult to discuss, for obvious reasons. What many people don’t know is that being the subject of repeated sexual abuse can condition one to fetishize said abuse, as a means of diluting the pain. Being repeatedly subjected to severe sexual abuse can completely altar one’s sexual desires, to the point that normal sex doesn’t feel right.
This is something that I personally deal with. One of the key reasons why I’ve ended up with more than a few strange and perverted characters in my social circle, is my own sexual proclivities. Specifically, intense masochistic and exhibitionist fantasies that are often so intense that I become depressed and saddened if I am not the subject of unhinged sexual desires that, for anyone else, would be the stuff of nightmares. The type of gross and objectifying behavior that traumatizes others is often what brings me euphoria, to the point that I feel like I’m of lesser value if it’s not happening to me.
That being said, I didn’t develop these tendencies until I was an adult. For comparison, imagine if someone gained these sort of masochistic proclivities at a young age. Imagine the level of guilt and shame that would fall on them. Who would these types of people turn to for advice or support? Do you think they can trust their family or peers when the society we inhabit is often puritanical? Unless they have access to a therapist, they are often left with no one but strangers online, and this becomes the perfect opportunity for predators.
There is a frightening level of deviousness to Cass’s claim that victims enjoy being abused “in the moment,” but that society makes them ashamed of it. She is playing on the general population’s own ignorance of CSA trauma in order to frame Wile E, and any of her other victims, as if they have more in common with her, a sexual predator, than anyone normal. In effect, Cass is saying the exact same thing that all of my fiercest detractors have claimed; that having CSA trauma means you’re a pedophile in denial. The difference is that, while the latter use this to justify the belief that the “wrong” kind of survivors are deserving of any cruelty no matter how depraved, Cass uses it to claim that it justifies preemptively cruelty on Wile E’s part, and that she should display the same sort of contempt for the world and the people around her that Cass does.

Cass’s ultimate objective isn’t just to groom victims, she’s also looking to groom accomplices, and the best way to achieve that is to find people she believes are similar to herself, and to destroy their hope in humanity and their respect for their fellow human beings. She wants to convince her victims AND her “allies” that all ethics, morals, and societal standards are worthless, and that there’s no reason to abide by them, because herself, and presumably whoever she is trying to groom, were never treated with said standards themselves.
As far as I know, Cass grew up in a horrifically abusive environment, where she said she was regularly in fear for her life, and was literally not allowed to go outside or have friends. I’ve heard some claim she told them that she was also sexually abused, but she also specifically told me in private that she wasn’t, but just lets people believe she was. This could mean she’s lying about being a CSA survivor, but I also know she’s argued that kids can consent to sex, so maybe she just doesn’t believe she was “abused.” Either way, it’s clear that her upbringing was fucked up. That being said, I’ve known people with significantly worse upbringings that didn’t go on to become sexual predators.
It doesn’t take an expert criminal psychologist to realize that Cass doesn’t care about Wile E like she claims. The hypocrisy is cartoonish, with Cass going from “you’re in control of your own life, don’t let her tell you what to do” to “don’t fuck with me, or I’ll spread your nudes over the dark web” in a matter of minutes. If Cass was written as an anime villain, the anime she’s from would be dog piled for lack of subtlety. The level of narcissism and delusion to say something like that, and only minutes later say that you genuinely care about someone is staggering.
Throughout the next few months, Cass cycled back and forth between four different accounts, due to frequently getting locked or outright suspended. The four accounts were @BielLolita90538 (Twitter ID 1782147906436227073), @EvitaLolit12944, @cassthemoderate (Twitter ID 1784348175559794688), and @haley_cass8902 (Twitter ID 1787008956189261824). A major reason for these suspensions was because I organized mass reports of any of Cass’s new accounts. Considering her criminal activity with minors, limiting her ability to interact with them felt like the most obvious step.
Around the 21st of April, I had created another short lived Twitter account, with which I had a brief exchange with Cass. During this exchange, she got very mad and started losing her shit at me. It spawned this fucking movie villain speech of a quote.

Her confidence was an obvious cope. The next day, she got so angry that she punched straight through her laptop and destroyed it. This was supposedly prompted by yet another friend of hers leaving her, at which point she becomes despondent.

A few days later, Cass posted to Twitter, stating that her car and laptop were destroyed, and that she was was kicked out of her Uni, as well as her temporary lodging. She had previously discussed how she had a good relationship with her professor until they urged her to talk about her political beliefs and weren’t too fond of her love of Hitler. She had also previously expressed belief that I was attempting to contact her Uni, and that I was collaborating with Schilchera, when I hadn’t talked to Schilchera in several months by that point. This is reminiscent of the time she blamed me for calling CPS on her, when it was actually her former case worker.

That said, I would attempt to get in contact with her former professor a few days later, and even temporarily created a Linkedin account to do so. That being said, the circumstances that prompted this were of an extreme nature. Following her expulsion, Cass sent a lengthy and very entitled email to her professor begging her to reverse the decision. Just as an aside, it says a lot about Cass’s character that she actually thought this was a good idea.

After this, Cass would get a response from her professor, which prompted her to post the following.

Cass had quite literally threatened to murder her former Professor, right after having told said professor to kill themself. Considering the erratic and violent behavior that Cass was demonstrating, I felt deep and genuine fear that Cass was going to kill this woman. And keep in mind, Cass had expressed homicidal ideation in the past, and mentioned a precise method. While I normally avoid contacting family or employers of people I write about, I felt an exception was needed. And more so, Cass did not even bother to censor the name of her professor, in spite of her censoring her own. It is clear that she wanted harm to befall her.
Following that post, I created a LinkedIn account, and attempted to contact her professor, urging her to call the police and that one of her former students may be trying to kill her. I don’t know whether or not the Professor saw my post, but I did see that Cass was made to leave the next day, meaning it’s not outside of the realm of possibility.

Oh, and she confessed to possession of CSEM again.

The next two accounts are where Cass did away with any pretense. She would defend horrible shit on the other accounts, but these screenshots just speak for themselves.

There are a few other noteworthy posts that need to be covered. The first of which is her asking a CSA survivor if they recorded their rape. This is flat out disgusting for obvious reasons.

She also tweeted about buying a gift for one of her underage grooming victims. The fact that it’s a book of fairy tales leads me to believe she is quite young. This strongly suggests that Cass also had victims irl.

The next piece of evidence, however, confirms it.

Yes, Cass, it should stay in the fucking drafts! Are you trying to go to pr……actually… no Cass, you should share your creativity with the world and tell us everything… let the people know all about you, especially those cops over there!
I fucking told you all, these accounts have a life span of about two days, and if I hadn’t screencapped these, no one would know. Cass’s inability to stop picking fights and spamming people with slurs is likely the only reason she’s not in prison… for now at least.
So uhh, do I need to explain that screen cap? The game is two truths and a lie, so by it’s very nature, it means that she raped a kid or a dog. And the fact that she mentions performing felatio on a dog means that, if that was one of the truths, then it doesn’t match up with what she told Lucy about the dog sucking her off… meaning Cass has molested dogs more than once. Unfortunately, Cass didn’t stop there.

So wonderful, Cass confirms that she has raped a child AND a dog! It’s spelled out right there. And it’s also archived, so don’t even think of saying it’s fake. Unrelated note, Cass started seeking out illegal drugs at this time, even though she ended multiple friendships with people over how much she hates druggies.
While we’re also on the subject of Cass being very stupid, it was around this time that she found out about my private account. At which point she tried to follow my private, on a newly created alt literally titled @IrlLolisRUs (Twitter ID 786187529118703616). The account used a provocative picture of a child, and had a bio reading “NSFL DM if you’re of fine taste.” It’s never been outright confirmed that this is Cass’s account, but between the general writing style, and Cass’s fondness for “IRL Cunny,” it’s quite obvious. I reported the account, and it was suspended within a few hours.

During the month of June, Cass moved to her final Twitter account, @RogerapGwilliam (Twitter ID – 1796710343131152385). I recall that this account took longer to get suspended, but it did eventually go down. As always, Cass posted a bunch of deranged shit on this account. One example is her going on a screed defending Marilyn Manson by saying that he’s not a rapist, but that if he was then they should be honored to be raped by him.

This leads to an argument where Cass confesses to revenge porn distribution and CSEM distribution TWICE, and uses the excuse that “these teenagers were abusing me” and “they were above the aoc where I live.” The latter is an outright lie since the minimum age of consent in Australia is 16 and Wile E was 15, but even if that wasn’t the case, it’s still illegal to possess or distribute CSEM, which includes people under the age of 18. As for the former, well, it’s interesting that Cass thinks teenagers can be abusive towards adults now, yet was more than willing to use her young age as a weapon against me when it came to trying to sick Dreamleaf on me… despite not being a minor at the time.
Actually, that’s something I’ve noticed about Cass, for someone who talks a lot about me stalking her or being a bitter ex, she seems to copy a lot of shit from me, but without understanding why I say or think certain things. The reason for this is because Cass has no consistent morals or ethics, and just sort of changes her worldview based on how she currently feels. She started out as a leftist, then a fascist, and has sort of zig zagged back and forth between a Nazi and a moderate conservative, but maintaining the same level of bitterness and toxicity.
Cass cannot maintain a consistent worldview because she is made up of near constant contradictions. She’s an avowed fascist, yet is trans and severely mentally ill. She favors Christian morals yet jerks it to baby rape. She believes that people should strive towards the betterment of society, yet she hates the society that she inhabits. She has no consistent beliefs because she was hated no matter what set of labels she applied herself, and it’s all because she never realized why it was that people can’t stand her. It’s because of her narcissistic sense of superiority and frequent grandstanding, in spite of the fact that she’s literally on the bottom rung of society’s ladder. And because of her place on the very bottom, she does nothing more but try to drag someone else below her, so that she has at least SOMEONE to feel superior to.
Towards the start of June, I got in contact with a third underage victim, another 15 year old, whom I will refer to as Betty Boop. They initially had a difficult time remembering details, which is why there are a lot of questions on my part. It should also be noted that, during childhood, survivors often tend to repress traumatic memories, which is a sign that Cass really fucked her up. The following is a transcript of my DMs with Betty.
Betty: Haven’t been feeling super great recently and I’m still trying to remember exactly what happened to me but yeah I’ll get what i can together soon. Sory for not replying. Thank you for checking
Me: No problem
Betty: Are you Australian?
Me: Nope. But I know people who are, if it’s about being able to report her.
Betty: ahhh alright. Was just wondering.
Me: Is there anything you remember, including vague sensations, specific words or things that were said to you, or things that happened? I get the impression that some of these memories may have been repressed as a means of coping with the trauma. It’s quite common in people who have dealt with traumatic incidents. I could also ask specific questions to see if that brings anything up. Of course, this is all at your own pace, and there’s no pressure.
Betty: I remember feeling kinda protected if that makes sense? i have pretty severe mommy issues and i think she knew that as a way of manipulating me :/
Me: Yeah, she always shows her nicest side first, but she can never keep it up for long.
Betty: I also remember having a distinct fear of failing her? Like, I’d be scared to not do some of the weird shit she’d ask me to do.
Me: Yeah, that sounds like a textbook recipe for grooming. Is there anything weird she asked you to do? Even small, insignificant things are a good start if they are unusual.
Betty: she um, made me record myself peeing once.
Me: Yeah, that sounds like Cass. She did the same to one of her other victims.
Betty: other piss related stuff. i gag thinking about it.
Me: Anything in particular? Again, you don’t have to share if you’re uncomfortable. This is to help with your memory, but the process of remembering these things is also going to be difficult.
Betty: made me record myself drinking it. It was so gross. this was like uhh 4 months ago probably.
Me: I’m sorry you had to experience that, you didn’t deserve that.
Betty: thank you.
Me: No problem. If remembering becomes too difficult and you need to stop, please let me know.
Betty: it started because i made some joke about piss in a tweet (it was an inside joke with another oomf) and then she messaged me and kind of egged me on about it until i just gave into the pressure and did what she told me
Me: Did she ever threaten you in any way? Or did she have anything she could blackmail you with?
Betty: didn’t threaten me directly but I’m certain that her leaking Wile E’s stuff was a show of force, and yes she could blackmail me with the videos.
Me: Did she ever solicit nude photos of you, or of you engaging in any other sex acts?
Betty: I think she did. I’m not certain
Me: Did you give her them? I ask since that would be yet another instance of CSEM possession on her part.
Betty: I’m pretty sure i did, but they weren’t anything crazy so i don’t think she’d have any reason to save them
Me: Although the one of you peeing could legally count as such depending on if genitalia is visible.
Betty: it was.
Me: According to another one of her victims, Cass has a hard drive with a ton of CSEM saved. It’s entirely likely that she saved them sadly. One of the reasons I’ve kept this to private is that I don’t want Cass to leak these. Sometimes, when people like her know they are going to get caught, they decide to leak everything just to get one last bit of revenge.
Betty: good I’m glad you’re keeping it private .i figured they were saved anyway i can’t change the past unfortunately
Me: Yeah, what I sadly don’t know is if she shared them with anyone, or posted them anywhere. That being said, best way of preventing that is to not provoke her, and to let the authorities do their job, while also collecting more evidence as time goes forward. Also, how old were you at the time?
Betty: I was fifteen at the time. I’m sixteen now
Me: I see. Also where do you live? Just a country or state would do.
Betty: [Location redacted]
Me: Ah, the cunt seems to have been careful about not grooming anyone in her home country.
Betty: Yeah :<
Me: Did Cass ever tell you anything about herself?
Betty: just stories. pity parties
Me: Did she ever talk about her feelings on other people?
Betty: mostly just whining about how everyone always mistreated her or whatever. you know how it goes by now I’m sure
Me: Yeah, I know, I’m just trying to see if I can gather any specifics to see if there’s any more incriminating evidence, or if she mentions another victim perhaps. You never know.
Betty: I’m assuming you know Linus by now right?
Me: Yeah
Betty: i figured yeah
Me: Why do you mention her?
Betty: I was just wondering if you knew her stuff got leaked by cass too
Me: Yeah, I saw it first hand. Quite literally have a censored screenshot of her doing so. As an aside, I have a group chat with Cass’s 3 other known victims (Lucy, Linus, and Wile E), and you are welcome to join if you’d like the company.
Betty: cass also sent me all of Wile E’s nudes which sent me into a jealous dysphoric spiral
Me: That might make Wile E feel better lol.
Betty: I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m still jealous.
Me: It’s okay, you don’t have to, it was just a remark about how Wile E is weird with these things.
Betty: yeah can you add me to the group chat?
Me: Have done so.
Betty: thanks!!
The details provided in this convo were consistent with previous testimony regarding Cass’s behaviors. Betty initially felt protected by Cass early on, and this was done in order to make her feel dependent on Cass. The piss fetish stuff is also consistent with those leaked DMs between her and Wile E. This convo also indicates that one of the three people that Cass shared Wile E’s nudes with was Betty. It’s entirely likely that this was deliberately done to threaten Betty into staying mutuals.
Lucy, Wile E, and Betty are Cass’s primary victims in this case, but they aren’t the only ones. In DMs with Linus, there was another person mentioned who could provide me with a bunch of info about Cass, who I will call Wendy. I don’t want to provide too many details, so I’m only going to list a few about her. Namely, she was 16 at the time, was close friends with Cass for a while, and Cass has her nudes as well. She was also close to Wile E, and instructed her to stay away from Cass, which lead to Wendy and Cass having their falling out.
I had also heard from Wendy that she ran a group chat where everyone posted their nudes. There were 7 known members of the group chat, the oldest of which was Cass at age 20. There were two 18 year olds (one of which was Linus), two 17 year olds, and two 16 year olds (one of which was Wendy). Given the nature of the group, it’s likely that Cass saved the nudes of everyone present. Wendy has also told me first hand that she has sent Cass her own CSEM, and that she has a history of being groomed by online predators. When it comes to accounts of child sex abuse, the worst case I’ve heard from someone I’ve met was Night Wyld, the second worst was Wendy. I won’t give any more details, other than that Cass was willing to take something horrible that Wendy was groomed into doing, and that deeply traumatized her, and presented it as if she enjoyed doing it, all in an attempt to prevent Wile E from listening to her.
There’s one other victim I know of, who I will call Alice. There’s not much to say about her, other than that she was one of the 17 year old’s in Wendy’s Telegram, and that Wendy also told her to stay away from Cass around the same time as with Wile E. It is entirely likely that there are far more Cass victims than this though.
There was one more incident that occurred during the month of June that needs to be addressed, one where Cass blackmailed another former friend and leaked incriminating info on them. While this specific incident is nowhere near as depraved as the instances of revenge porning and black mailing children, I do feel it needs to be discussed. For the purposes of this, I will refer to the adult victim as Yogi.
This was another instance of Cass trying to fuck over someone who didn’t want to be her friend by leaking her DMs with them, each of which reflected very poorly on Yogi. I want to address each screenshot individually, since there is a lot to unpack.

The first of these screencaps is in reference to Yogi having a fetish for gore. I immediately guessed that Cass was being dishonest here, as she previously framed my guro kink as me “getting off to dead children,” leaving out the part where my kink pertains exclusively to fictional gore. I talked to Yogi in DMs, and he confirmed that it was specifically fictional material.

The second screenshot has Yogi more or less confessing to having been successfully groomed into being a fascist. I want you to think for a second how gullible one has to be if Cassandra Mel, the transgender Nazi pedophile, is the person who convinces you to give fascism a try. Yes, I’m aware this was lefty Twitter’s common narrative regarding me, and it was in fact, what Cass wanted to do to me, but both Cass and lefty Twitter were full of shit like they always are. Anyway, keep this in mind for later.

This third screenshot is where things get genuinely bad. The shit about stigma making it harder for non offenders to get help is something that will piss off Twitter despite being entirely correct, but it’s not what’s important here. It’s the “adult child relationships are okay if the child is fine with it” take that is the problem. “Yeah, sure, people SAY it’s wrong for children to drink bleach, but we’re not going to infringe on the rights of the kid by telling them they can’t, can they?”
There’s a moronic tendency among advocates of kiddie fiddling to hinge their entire belief set on the “possibility” of a healthy, adult child relationship, as if something merely being “possible” is a good reason for it to be okay. Just imagine this sort of shit applying to anything else. Like, yes, it’s “possible” to not get hurt in a car crash, but that doesn’t mean we should repeal seat belt laws… oh wait, Cass thinks that unironically. Point is, if you’re desperately trying to imagine the exception to something that makes something morally wrong in all other instances morally right in this instance, then you’ve already conceded defeat.

And the fourth screenshot… yeah, that’s Cass fantasizing about raping Shoe0nhead’s infant daughter and forcing her to watch, and Yogi agreeing. Yeah no, fuck both of you, this is disgusting. I don’t even know how to react to this. It’s obvious that Cass will say any sort of deranged shit to get a reaction, but we also know she’d actually fucking do it. Not sure if any of you have noticed, but I’m not exactly a big Shoe0nHead fan, but this is way too fucking far!
And I know there will probably be some people who let their hatred of Shoe blind them, and be like, “it’s just an edgy joke, not sure why this is comparable to the stuff about blackmailing children.” And yes, threatening to rape an infant isn’t as bad as actually raping a child, but we shouldn’t be setting the bar this low. Pardon me for thinking that we should draw the line at “deciding it’s okay to punish someone by raping their children.” Okay maybe there’s no one who actually objects to this, and I’ve just been stuck in the Twilight Zone where people like Cassandra Mel are allowed to voice their disgusting world view with their internal organs intact, so now ANYTHING can be an argument that I need to debunk with facts and logic.

“But Annie, why is Yogi being kept anonymous if you’re so disgusted by his actions?” one may ask. There are two reasons. The first of these is that Yogi strikes me less as someone with malicious intent, and more so as someone who is very impressionable and gullible. That quip about people stupid enough to be converted to fascism by Cass I just made, that wasn’t just a silly jab. The truth is, some people are too easily influenced by their peers, and may temporarily adopt beliefs just to fit in. Based on my convos with Yogi in private, It just isn’t believable that he beliefs all the deranged shit that Cass does.
The one thing in common with all of Cass’s victims, myself included, as that all of them say that she had some positive qualities at first, and that they wanted to help her. Even when I tried to help her, I had to look past some pretty fucked up shit she said, such as her pro contact zoophilic attitudes, the fucked up shit she said about Merrick Deville’s rape, and her insulting Eden Knight. And that was before she started openly consuming CSEM and grooming children. You know that experiment with the frog and boiling water? Being friends with Cass is kind of like being the frog. You can assume that she’s misguided and has some good qualities at first, but she’ll start to show her true colors over time. And by the time you want to leap out of that boiling pot, you can’t, because she’ll have dirt on you.
The biggest irony of all this, is that I was one of Cass’s luckier victims. I mean sure, I got doxxed and my family was flooded with messages from people telling me I’m a pedophile, but it wasn’t enough to turn my core friend group, or my family against me. The worst she did was galvanize the people who already hated me. The people affected the worst by Cass are those who have nowhere else to go, and who are far more vulnerable and impressionable. In most cases, her victims were children, or they were people at risk of being perceived of being pedophiles.

While there’s no doubt that some of them are actually pedophiles, and that some such as Gender Aryan are every bit as bad as Cass is, it’s important to note that something being true is not a concern for Cass, so long as it can be used to sway public opinion, and all you need are some opportunistic clout seeking scumbags, and you’ll find someone to spread the blackmail leaks. And when it comes to some people, it will always be more about if enough people want to believe something, than if it’s actually true.
That all being said, Cass never went through with her threats to create fake screenshots of others, at least as far as I know. The most that she did was share real screenshots with important context removed, or she’ll play upon the ignorance of the average Twitter user base. In my case, she clipped me during a time when I believed I was something I wasn’t. In the case of Yogi, she clipped him expressing beliefs about other people. And well, there’s no context where wishing rape on an infant can be made acceptable.
What this tells me about Yogi is that he does not have enough strength of ethics or morals to understand that there isn’t a situation where you can justify raping an infant because of shit that her mother did. While it’s unlikely that Yogi would ever say something like that about someone’s child himself, nor would he do anything of the sort, it’s something that calls his judgement and his overall mental health into question. It like I said in my article about Milena Harirsaz; there’s a very thin line between being a grooming victim, and being an accomplice, and the older you get, the less likely people are to care about where that line is.
That being said, the second reason I refuse to to share Yogi’s username, is because Cass can go to hell, and I’m not going to do her dirty work by punishing Yogi for being groomed by her. She gets nothing from me, and I refuse to validate her delusions that anyone mentioned in this article, save for maybe Gender Aryan, is as repugnant of a human being as she is.
The only good thing I can say about Cass, is that she’s perhaps the ultimate test of my belief that every human being deserves compassion and empathy. And I don’t just say that because she’s a disgusting person, but because she’s a trap for people with high amounts of compassion and empathy. The very people that have tried to help her create a better life for herself, and who have offered her friendship and companionship, are the ones that have been harmed the most by her, and she has never had any regret for it.
After the RogerapGwilliam account was suspended, Cass stopped creating new Twitter accounts and went dark. I had heard nothing until late December of 2024, a few days before Christmas. I had got a message from Wile E stating that Cass reached out to her. For some background context, Wile E had gone back to Cass a few times, and because of this, Cass was not aware that she hated her. I had the following exchange with Wile E regarding Cass, as I planned on starting this article around this time.
Me: On another note, I hope you’ve been holding up alright.
Wile E: I’ve been doing terribly but nothing unbearable. You?
Me: I think I’m doing alright, also, will most likely be going through with the Cass article soon. Given that she hasn’t been online, she most likely won’t be able to hurt anyone.
Wile E: Refresh my memory on that again.
Me: I plan to write an article on my blog detailing everything that Cass has done, while also including testimony with you, Lucy, and Betty (your names and any identifying details will be censored of course). Up to this point, the worst of what Cass did has not been public knowledge, and the key reason I didn’t got through with writing about her is out of fear she may re-leak the nudes she kept as a final act of revenge. I think she’s been gone long enough that it’s not a concern.
Wile E: I see. Also i dont think she’s been caught unless it happened in the last 2 weeks give or take. I DMd with him a little bit ago.
Me: What platform was it on?
Wile E: Discord. We didnt discuss much stuff that would be relevant to your article (i think?) But he did mention 1) he deleted my nudes (how well can i trust him tho lol) and 2) he doesn’t plan on returning to twt for his own mental health. He has a good irl life going for him, a boyfriend too. No longer homeless from what i can discern. I think he admitted to still looking at CSEM at one point but that was in a different DM a few months ago. His boyfriend doesn’t know he’s a pedophile either as far as i could tell.
Me: Ah. What is his account name? I don’t intend to intervene or anything, I just want to see if there’s any more info I could gather from it. It’s obviously best to keep the element of surprise.
Wile E: Casstheliteralgod, I think. I blocked and deleted all my dms with him so. But i think thats it.
Me: I wish I could trust him that he’s changed, but you don’t come back from that kind of shit.
Wile E: He hasn’t, as a person. He showed no remorse. And said he didn’t feel he’d done anything wrong “worthy of needing forgiveness” (What i DMd him for). He’s the same person but with a slightly more fortunate life now.
Me: Well, if he sees my article, he’ll probably lose his shit again. I’m going to make sure that he can’t run from what he did.
Wile E: I doubt he’ll see it tbh. He seems to be largely offline and busy with irl stuff.
Me: Well even if he doesn’t, the purpose is for people irl to recognize him, and the article will likely be made into a Youtube video as well, which tends to have a higher amount of reach. Shit will catch up with him.
Wile E: Hopefully
Me: If he doesn’t notice, someone in his area will. Especially since I already know at least one person who is local to his area.
The funny thing about this exchange is that Cass would contact Wile E less than 15 hours after that exchange occurred. Wile E shared the following screencaps of Cass’s message.

Apparently, Cass had read my Airing Out My Dirty Laundry piece, and she freaked out, pleading with Wile E not to talk to me or to help me. And Wile E was willing to play along at the time. I went ahead and checked the notifications, and sure enough, Cass left the following comments on my article.

Amazing, she actually thinks she can lie her way out of this. Well Cass, you wanted me to show evidence, well wish fucking granted! Where do I even begin with this pitiable sad girl schlock. We can start with the fact that she started out by saying she’s dead only to contradict herself in the last comment, because admitting to your own lie before you even figure out if I bought it certainly makes you look like a trustworthy character. Even if I wasn’t in contact with Wile E the whole time, it’s still obvious that it’s her.
There’s also the fact that she thinks she can still gaslight me about my POCD. It goes without saying that it hinges a lot on me not knowing the fucked up shit she did. Then again, Cass was delusional enough to think I’d DM an account titled IrlLolisRUs because she has to tell herself that all her enemies are as fucked up as she is in order to justify her own disgusting actions. I quite literally have multiple friends and one family member who works in the field of mental health. But sure, I’ll trust miss “the Jews create all the CP and jack up the price to exploit innocent pedophiles” over them.
Oh wait, I just now realized that Cass admitted to being investigated by the police! I think she’s referring to CPS because of the incident with her old case manager, but CPS doesn’t investigate people for CP, and she was living with her parents and her two underage siblings at the time. They were likely trying to make sure the kids were safe, a fairly reasonable concern since Cass literally confessed to touching a child AND has repeatedly sexualized her underage sister. But if this is the second time that Cass was investigated then I wonder.
But it really is cute that you think you can manipulate your way out of this Cass, and even cuter that you thought I didn’t know all along, or that your victims weren’t helping me. Like seriously, how the fuck did you think Wile E didn’t hate you? You leaked her fucking revenge porn and posted it on the dark web, and then had the nerve to say you have nothing to apologize for. She hates you, all of them do. You’ve traumatized and uprooted the lives of children and adults alike, and you think you’re in any position to talk about touching grass? The only thing you should be touching is the inside of a prison cell where depraved pieces of shit like you belong.
Researching and cataloguing all the fucked up shit you did was one of the most traumatic periods of my life, and I’m not even the one who experienced them. Seeing how terrified, how traumatized, and scared these girls were because of your actions was nothing short of heart shattering, and I will see to it that you are NEVER allowed to forget what you did, and that this will follow you for the rest of your hopefully short life.
I have no doubt that Cass has even more victims that I never discovered. If you have been, or know anyone else who has been a victim of Cassandra Mel’s abuse, you know where to contact me. If there’s any additional info, I will cover it in a follow up piece. I also would strongly suggest contacting law enforcement if you were witness to any criminal behavior on your part, especially if there’s evidence of it happening.
The following is a list of every known account that Cass has used across social media. Cass’s last known location was a homeless shelter in Melbourne, but she has also lived in Sydney for a period of time, and grew up in rural New South Wales. She is six foot three, has red hair, and has a white and a red ear ring on her right ear (the white ring is on the lobe and the red is on the Tragus).
Account list (Twitter)
@RogerapGwilliam – 1796710343131152385
@IrlLolisRUs – (Unconfirmed if Cass, but strongly suspected. Profile pic is of a provocative picture of a child and it advertises itself on CSEM trading. Was most likely created to entrap me) – 1786187529118703616
@haley_cass8902 – (Number 47, Autogenerated handle) – 1787008956189261824
@cassthemoderate – (Number 46) – 1784348175559794688
@EvitaLolit12944 –
@BielLolita90538 – 1782147906436227073
@bubblesthefsh (Revenge porned a minor on this account)
@dianaincarnate (Account #40) (Revenge porned a minor on this account)
@literalyhitler1 – 1589463924734398464
@CunnyMosleySex (Private account)
@imsincerelysory (Private account, deactivated)
@cassanderisover (Private account)
@Casslurking (Private account, first admitted to CSEM consumption here)
@evelynforward (Her “reformed”, monarchist phase)
@unkillabletroon (Deactivated, not suspended)
@Lavender15Priv (Private account)
@cassandra_nya (Most well known account)
Account list (other)
Youtube –
Deleted Twitch –
Archive of her old Youtube channel –
Deactivated Discord Account – deleted_user_18b6631a1a86
Deleted Discord Account – deleted_user_f12dd12036a2
Current Discord Account – Casstheliteralgod
Archive of her Reddit Accounts –
Telegram – @Freya178803

Initially, I planned to end the piece on that note, but given the amount of trauma I’ve endured because of this woman, I want a chance to remove the mask of professionalism, and to just, speak as myself for a moment. I have intentionally chosen to post this piece on my birthday. I wanted to give enough time so that Cass thinks she’s safe from me taking any action against her, so that she won’t go ahead and leak anyone’s nudes, but also, it didn’t need to be on my birthday specifically.
The reason it was is, well, I hate this woman. I don’t think I’ve ever hated a human being more than I do her. I’m talking hatred to the point that if I met her in person then I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from violently assaulting her. It’s as I said, there’s no grander statement to make at the end of all this. In fact, I regret that quip about how Cass hasn’t learned “socially acceptable” cruelty at the end of the last piece I wrote about her. And this isn’t that I’ve forgiven the clout seeking narcissists of lefty Twitter, far from them, but the thing is, the level of revulsion I feel for Cass is so great that no one else I’ve ever taken any issue with deserves to be associated with, and I hope it stays that way.
I am going to take great delight in seeing Cass’s life crumble because of her heinous actions, and there are going to be moments where I look at myself, and wonder how I’ve become conditioned to take great delight in the suffering of another human being. It’s not as if it will undo any of the harm she’s done. At the end of the day, everyone she’s ever dealt with is still traumatized, and still had their life upturned, and I’ll never be able to go back to the life I had before I met her. And it’s not as if there will be any shortage of abusers who harm vulnerable people. I’ll know that it’s all morbid, but I’ll still take great catharsis.
And no, the irony of the situation is not lost on me. I know how amusing it must be for anyone who was pissed at me for initially defending her to see me now. Some may call it hypocrisy, but personally, I call it character development. Does this mean that the retroactive disgust towards Cass is justified though, does this mean I was in the wrong the whole time? I’ve thought about it a lot, and sometimes, I’ve thought of Cass’s previous actions through the lens of knowing what she’d become, and thought that I must have done something wrong if she went on to do this.
But then I’ve also seen many of the same people that attacked me also get outted for horrible, abusive shit, albeit nothing to the extent that Cass has. And then I saw Cass’s other victims endure the same mistreatment. Now, I’m reminded of how one of the first things I was told upon writing this was to not make it about me, because nothing I experienced could compare to what those kids did. And the person who said it was entirely right to say so, and it’s why this article was written the way it was. But at the same time, it’s fucked up that I had to put aside how much Cass personally traumatized me, because a bunch of people already hate me and don’t give a shit about that.
That being said, Cass’s victims never treated me that way. One of them, Lucy, even told me that they thought I was done dirtier than they were, and just thinking about that, I can’t stop crying. The notion is completely absurd. As traumatized as I was, it could never compare to having the fear of Cass raping and killing an 8 year old over your head. All of these people who treated me with such cruelty and hostility for having previously trusted Cass, yet the people who had the biggest right to do so, were the ones who were the kindest to me, and it’s all because, like myself, they have also been conditioned to prioritize other’s needs above their own. It’s the entire reason Cass found us to begin with.
I can’t help but wonder, where were all those people who went through such effort to cancel me this whole time? Why didn’t any of them lift a finger to help the people that Cass actually abused? If Cass was so dangerous that you had to deplatform me and destroy my reputation over trusting her, then why didn’t you help the people who were ACTUALLY hurt by her? Did you all just decide to do nothing because it was inconvenient? I guess actually doing shit is too tough for you, better stick to being a keyboard warrior, at least until you also get cancelled for something that may or may not be true or justified.
And I suppose I should leave a message for Cass herself, since she will find this eventually. The only path you have left that doesn’t end with you in prison or a morgue, is in a psyche ward. But you won’t take my advice, because you never learn. I will say one thing though. You know what I said about my fear of you leaking your victim’s revenge porn again. Well, I’ll just say, if you do that, you will immediately regret it. It’s your choice, do you want your downfall to come slowly, or quickly? Either way, I look forward to never having to see or hear anything related to you ever again.
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I am so, so sorry that you had to go through this. I really don’t know what to say because the sheer amount of horrible shit that’s happened is staggering, but I truly do hope you and all of Cass’s other victims will be safe and that Cass ends up in jail where she belongs.
Thank you, I really appreciate this.