Standard Review: Hand of the Goddess (PC)

Well then, this game certainly came completely out of left field. There have been quite a few times where the games that shake me to my core are the last that I expect. When it comes to indie gaming, there will be plenty of cases of dark, horror masterpieces like Mouthwashing or MyHouse.wad getting the …

My Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of 2025

So uhh, video games are good! And there are some coming out in 2025, which will hopefully be good. You saw the title didn’t you? Do I need to explain what this is about? Everyone makes lists like this, but they usually feature the same sets of games, but not me though. Yes, I’m fighting …

When Youtube Drama Meets True Crime – Exposing Cassandra Mel (NSFL)

CW: In depth Discussion of pedophillia, rape, grooming, murder, bestiality, gaslighting, hurtcore, stalking, cyberbullying, revenge porn, doxxing, animal cruelty, incest, blackmail, antisemitism, transphobia, child abuse, suicide, DARVO, ableism, apologia for rape and pedophillia, anti-black and anti-Asian racism, and sexual abuse of infants. This piece will deal with some very heavy subject matter. All claims of …

Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria (Ios/Android/PC/PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/Wii U): Retro to Benefit and Fault (Detailed Review)

For a while now, there has been a popular trend in gaming pertaining to the revival of old school games. This trend involves companies creating games in a retro style in an attempt to appeal to older gamers. In some cases, these games are made with the same limitations as older games in an attempt …

Standard Review: Dungeon Travelers: To Heart 2 in Another World (PC/PSP/Vita)

This is another Fuwanovel review, even though the game itself is not a visual novel. Well, it’s a spinoff of a visual novel, and it was localized by a company that specializes in visual novels, and the code was given to Fuwanovel, so that’s the site it will be posted on. This one was …

A Predator in Victim’s Clothing – Exposing Courtney Peet (NSFL)

CW: In depth Discussion of rape, pedophilia, grooming, manipulation, emotional abuse, violence, torture, suicide, pedo-jacketing, rape apologia, objectification, animal cruelty, infanticide, sexual harassment, and human trafficking . This piece will deal with some very heavy subject matter. All claims of illegal activity are alleged. So here we are, the second predator expose piece in one …

DepraviA (PC): A Sadist’s Twisted Paradise (Detailed Review) (NSFL)

CW: Discussions, mentions, and visuals of violence, rape, pedophilia, dismemberment, vore, and unbirthing. This game is fucked up. Oh, you thought I was only posting one Halloween review? Just because it’s no longer October, doesn’t mean I can’t post a Halloween themed review! Looks like this year’s Christmas is going to be red! Also, I …

The Nail in the Coffin – Exposing Milena Harirsaz (NSFL)

CW: In depth Discussion of rape, manipulation, gaslighting, emotional abuse, violence, domestic abuse, misogyny, DARVO, ableism, pedo-jacketing, rape apologia, objectification, sexual harassment, stalking, doxxing, grooming, and human trafficking. This piece will deal with some very heavy subject matter. All claims of illegal activity are alleged. I did not intend to address this situation any further. …

Poem #144: No Longer Human

CW: Descriptions of gore. To strip away everything that makes me me.I’d give up everything for that to be me.Start with my arms, my ability to resist, to punch, to hold.Then my legs, so I cannot leave, leave me as a living corpse.I can’t resist, I can’t fight back, now begin the alteration. Start by …

Poem #143: To Become Inhuman

How I long to cease to be.Deep inside the empty sea.Hints of hollow feelings and deep seeding,brief sparks of life buried down beneath.Sentience is a curse known only to the wise.Let me see the seams burst, lead to her demise.The sharp pain is unbearable, but also conceivable.The alternative is nothing, overflowing, overwhelming nothing.To derive pleasure …