Amazing VGM: Grandfather’s Clock (Nekopara Vol. 3)

Nekopara Vol. 3 was a conflicting game for me to say the least. Every time I criticize an eroge’s sex scenes I tend to be overly cautious about getting flooded with comments calling me a triggered feminazi. I seem to have avoided that result since starting this blog considering I’ve rarely one to not make …

Nekopara Vol. 3 (PC/PS4/Switch): A Step Up in Story, a Step Down in Sexiness (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

It’s been a few years since I reviewed the first Nekopara title. For those reading this immediately after the ones for the previous three games in the series (counting Vol. 0) then I feel I should note for disclosure’s sake that some of my perspectives have changed in the last few years. Namely I am …