NieR Replicant ver.1.2247448713… (PS4/XONE/PC): Absolutely Breathtaking (Detailed Review)

So, it’s been almost six years since I wrote my review of the original English release of NieR Gestalt, released as just NieR on the PS3 and XBox 360 in 2010. Given the lavish praise I heaped upon the original game’s story and upon Automata as a whole, the only question is why I didn’t …

Amazing VGM: Dependent Weakling (NieR Automata)

Remember when I posted these weekly? I keep saying I want to get back into posting these regularly, but there’s so much I need to work on constantly. I just got done playing NieR Replicant, and there’s actually a mode where the in-game soundtrack will be replaced by songs from NieR Automata, and this plays …

Amazing VGM: The Dark Colossus Destroys All (NieR)

Ah yes, three of my most shilled games in a row for Amazing VGM. I’d normally do something from Saya no Uta since I just reviewed it but I kinda hinted at this one last week so I better follow through. Anyway I’ve been meaning to touch on this one for a while since it …

Amazing VGM: Gods Bound by Rules (NieR)

It’s been a little while since I covered a track from NieR as an amazing VGM hasn’t it? The last one I did was “Weight of the World” from NieR Automata and that was at the end of December of last year. This time, I’m going to cover one of the more underutilized and thus …

Top 5 Games Reviewed on Guardian Acorn in its First Year

Holy shit folks. I was too busy wallowing in guilt and depression that I didn’t notice that this dumb blog of mine has been going for over a year now. I have been thinking about how I would commemorate this and considered focusing on my favorite articles posted here… but that would be mostly political …

JRPG Update Pro: March 2018

Yes I know, I missed the last 2 months for JRPG Update Pro since I had a lot of stuff going on, and I do still have stuff going on now but hopefully I can get out this month’s JRPG Update Pro AND JRPG Update Indie this time. Anyway, that means this update will include …

Amazing VGM: The Weight of the World (NieR Automata)

So, some may have noticed I missed last week’s Amazing VGM entry AND that this week’s is late. The reason is because I want this to be the final article of the year for me. One of the key features of this blog is that it’s not just a game review blog, but it is …

Amazing VGM: Emil’s Theme (NieR/NieR Automata)

NieR is always going to have a special place in my heart. The original and its sequel Automata were the first two games to be reviewed on this site. Granted, neither of them were originally written with this site in mind and this was mainly because I had just put out the review of Automata …

JRPG Update: 5/28/2017 – 6/3/2017

Dragon Quest XI, Lost Sphear, Valkyria Revolution, Trails of Cold Steel III, Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection, and more!