Dragon Fantasy: The Volumes of Westeria (Ios/Android/PC/PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/Wii U): Retro to Benefit and Fault (Detailed Review)

For a while now, there has been a popular trend in gaming pertaining to the revival of old school games. This trend involves companies creating games in a retro style in an attempt to appeal to older gamers. In some cases, these games are made with the same limitations as older games in an attempt …

Parasite Eve (PS1): Engrossing, but Frustrating (Detailed Review)

One aspect I will never understand of JRPG fandom is the intense hatred towards Square Enix lately. Well I suppose it is a given that there will be something stupid that comes out of any large enough fan base but still. The thought process of the player base of Squaresoft games is that supposedly “Squaresoft …

Amazing VGM: Sealed Door (Chrono Trigger)

So we all agree Chrono Trigger is amazing, and we all agree that it’s music is also amazing. I have considered replaying it for review purposes, but something something backlog too big blah blah blah you heard it all before. So I did the next best thing and watched Chuggaaconroy’s lets play of it. I …

LISA: The Painful (PC): Crushing, Depressing, Brilliant (Detailed Review)

LISA: The Painful is newest addition to what I consider to be the “elite” class of games that I have played. As a critic, I have been known to go into meticulous detail about the games that I review AND to be very thorough in explaining why something in a game does or does not …