New review up on Fuwanovel, this time for Gore Screaming Show.
This one impressed me. I think I can safely say that Ueda Metawo is one of my favorite people in the industry, and anything involving Metawo or Black Cyc is something I will be making sure I cover. It genuinely means so much to me that games like Gore Screaming Show and Dead End Aegis exist, given the shit I’ve gone through since finding out about my repressed CSA memory, and the incessant encroach of puritanism in both left and right wing circles.
Anyway, I don’t know when my next VN review will be, as there’s quite a few directions I can take with that. Given that this review was posted later than usual due to Fuwanovel having an editor, I can assure you that you won’t be waiting very long for my next post.
If you would like to play this game for yourself, it can be purchased here.
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This was an instant-buy from me after I read dead-end-aegis myself, an absolutely fascinating dark ride. I know a lot of people say it picks up at the second half/secret heroines but my girl Kiika deserves some respect, my ex-catholic repression related a bit to those rough hormonal spells of the teenage years, oof. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy Akane or Aoi but it really took off running there for me. There’s definitely a strange catharsis in certain dark media and both GSS and DEA understand that while also going totally off the rails sometimes.
In non-vn media, I wound up reading a short novel alongside this game that has nothing to do with it but nevertheless might suit someone who loves gay horror: Our Wives Under the Sea. It’s very gothic and contemplative, but I loved the imagery in it.