Fangame Review: Mother: Cognitive Dissonance

I have been a fan of the EarthBound series for many years at this point. I first became a fan from watching various lets plays of the game back around 2008 or 2009, because at the time I knew nothing about roms and emulators, and I clearly could not afford a copy of EarthBound. After …

Amazing VGM: Megalovania (Halloween Hack/Homestuck/Cognitive Dissonance/Undertale)

Note: This was originally written as a DeviantArt journal entry on October 21st of 2016 with some edits made. Major spoiler warning for Halloween Hack, Mother: Cognitive Dissonance, and Undertale. It is about time I get to another entry on a video game song given how long it has been since the last one. As …

Amazing VGM: Giegue/Giygas Battle themes (Mother: Cognitive Dissonance)

The last one of these I wrote was for Undertale’s “Reunited,” and that was back near the beginning of January. Naturally, I’m kind of overdue for an update, and since I took so long, I’ve got a special one for you all. Instead of covering just one song, I’ve decided I will talk about a …