Poem #89: All That Remains

Note: This poem was originally posted on my Patreon account on October 11th. I am currently posting a new poem to my patreon account each day for patron exclusive reading and on this blog one week later for public viewing. If you’d like to see these poems when they are first put up then please consider pledging to my patreon page.

I look to the past one last time as tragic tears fill my eyes.

I look back to say goodbye to the olden days lost in my mind.

I’ve done all I could but no more, I have a fight to finish this time.

If I waste all that remains of my life force than soon to will go my mind.

The way forward is wrought with spikes, our devil lies wait.

I won’t let myself go without a fight though, I’ll decide whether or not it was in vein.

If it was though I’ll be fine, I won’t beg for life just to toss it aside.

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