Note: This poem was originally posted on my Patreon account on August 18th of 2018. I am currently posting a new poem to my patreon account each day for patron exclusive reading and on this blog one week later for public viewing. If you’d like to see these poems when they are first put up then please consider pledging to my patreon page.
Death is near but not close enough.
Worthless shallow pawns lost in their lust.
Saliva dripping semen down the ankles of tyranny.
Hatred brimming in a cesspit of monotony.
Drinking the blood of the innocent, a cancer grows.
The will to live fades as the river halts its flow.
To all that seek frivolous monetary gain.
A desire most shallow and vain.
When all order collapses
Your heads will be served on a golden plate.
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