Undertale (PC/PS4/Vita/Switch): A Deeply Moving Tale (Detailed Review)

Chances are, most gamers nowadays may have heard of Undertale. After all, it won GameFAQs “greatest games of all time” contest and beat out games like Ocarina of Time and Final Fantasy VII. Some may argue that the victory doesn’t count because it most votes came from Tumblr users who don’t frequent GameFAQs, but it …

The Beginner’s Guide (PC): A Postmodern Masterpiece (Detailed Review)

This review took me quite a while to get to now didn’t it? I didn’t expect much going into The Beginner’s Guide and I didn’t know a thing about it. Pretty much all the odds were stacked against this game clicking with me. I’ve made it known that I detest the “environmental narrative” genre and …

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Midnight Carnival

I’m going to clarify that I am reviewing this game off of memory from playing it back during the summer, and my memory is not entirely clear. The reason for this is not just because of how long it has been, but also because this game is only fifteen minutes long. As such, it is …

NieR Automata: The Type of Masterpiece that you Rarely See, Especially in AAA Games (Detailed Review) (PS4/XONE/PC)

Just a heads up, the reason the review is no longer up  this site is because it is now up on Brash Games, and I figure they wouldn’t want their content hosted elsewhere. There was a lot that I had to say about this game seeing as how it is currently in my top 3 …