Guardian Acorn

Site Progress & Personal Update: May 2021

Another month has passed, and I have been successfully keeping up my schedule of one piece a week. I am pleased with the fact that I’ve been able to make significant progress with my work, and have a steady flow of content. I currently have all of my reviews up to review number 200 planned. The reviews planned for this month include Escape Castle Death Loop, Ys I & II Chronicles, After Life: Story of a Father, and Futanari Quest. Currently, I am playing through Majikoi: Love Me Seriously, a visual novel that I’ve seen almost nothing but high praises for. As of right now, it seems to be living up to expectations and I am enjoying it. I have also ordered a copy of NieR Replicant off Amazon, and it should hopefully arrive soon.

Anyway, here is the recap of last month.

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Tokyo Hosto (PC/360/Ouya)

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Beach Bounce (PC)

Nekopara Vol. 4: The Best One Yet (PC/PS4/Switch) (Detailed Review) (NSFW)

Steam Greenlight Landfill: Neptunia Shooter (PC)

I must say, I’ve been pleased with the direction this site is heading. The increased focus on visual novels and eroge seems to have paid off, given that my work is now becoming more well known in the VN fandom, which in turn draws attention to other stuff. It feels good to be back in business after that drought of motivation during 2020. It always brightens my day when I see people take interest in my perspective and point of view. I was initially fearful I’d be pushed out due to the amount of chuds in the anime/otaku fandom, but it seems that fear was misplaced. While I still come across the occasional bit of toxicity, it does feel nice to have people to talk to about these particularly nerdy interests.

In regards to my current plans, I am still hoping to review Maggot Baits as my 200th review. At the rate of one review a week, I should be at that point in a few months. I have planned out the order of each review specifically so Maggot Baits could be review number 200. I plan for Majikoi to be review #197, and NieR Replicant will be either review #198 or #199 depending on how long I take to finish it, and the other review will likely be a GameFAQs repost. Following Maggot Baits, I’m probably going to play more shorter games to whittle my backlog numbers down so I don’t have a net increase… I want to clear this Backlog, but I’m not getting any better at not buying games. Although in my defense, some of these companies are literally giving away games for free.

I should also mention that I’m currently working on another political piece. Yeah, it was a nice break, but things need to get back in action. Quite simply put, I don’t have any faith in establishment Democrats to keep us from barreling into a Lauren Boebert Presidency in 2014. And the increasing amount of anti-trans bills is also quite concerning. The piece in question may take some time because it’s a preview of the 2022 midterms, and it will be quite comprehensive.

Another project I am working on is The Disturbing Video Games Iceberg. I am sure some of you may have come across one of these memes. For those who haven’t, an Iceberg meme usually lists a bunch of stuff related to a specific subject, with general, well know knowledge at the top, and the stuff gets more and more obscure as you descend. There have already been a few Icebergs on the subjects of Dark/Creepy/Scary/Disturbing games, but mine is looking to be far more comprehensive and well researched than any of the previous ones. I’m actually working on this one with the help of the creator of a previous Iceberg on this one, and it’s something I’m looking forward to making.

Anyway, it’s time for Patron shoutouts. Jimbolance has now increased his pledge from $5 a month to $20 a month, and I am naturally quite thankful for that. I’m now up to $80 a month, with is pretty damn sweet. Additionally, I’d like to thank the rest of my patrons, Brittany Eakin, Krista, Rin Marina, Sam, IceTheRetroKid, bluedesolation, Kelly Gallagher, D Inacio, Dia, and Wendy Gowak. As I always say, I wouldn’t be anywhere without all of you, and your support means the world to me. If you would like to support me as well, then please consider pledging to my Patreon.

Anyway, things seem to be proceeding smoothly, and I hope things continue that way. See you all next update!

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