CW: Discussion of sexual content. Has passing references to rape and slavery pertaining to sexual content. Lewd images are pixelated in this review and are uncensored in-game.
I did not initially plan to review three hentai games in a row, but I couldn’t help but become curious when a mutual of mine gifted me this game on Steam. It also helps that this is a fairly short game, and thus won’t prompt another 2000+ word review. Demon King Domination comes to us from Belgerum, a small team making English language nukige. Demon King Domination is a brief visual novel set in the world of a typical JRPG/fantasy series. The game mostly takes place during the climactic showdown between the warrior Princess Dianne, and the Demon King Malos. In true hentai fashion, you are playing as the Demon King himself, and each ending involves turning Princess Dianne into your slave.
A Climactic Showdown (Presentation)
The first thing I noticed upon starting up this game is that the voice actors for both these characters sounded familiar. I noticed that Dianne’s voice sounded a lot like Shoe0nhead, but she was actually voice by Trina Deuhart, who has a Youtube channel with over 200,000 subscribers where she dubs comics. Malos’s voice is credited as “Belgerum” which leads me to assume that it was the game’s lead creator using a voice filter, mainly because the voice sounds like it was lifted straight from a Youtube skit about an evil overlord.

Demon Combat (Gameplay)
The voice performances are very hammy and over the top, which makes them perfect for a game like Demon King Domination. The music and visuals also fit the setting very well, and help give off the vibe of a standard JRPG. But Demon King Domination is not a standard JRPG, nor is it any sort of RPG for that matter. Despite the fact that Demon King Domination is a visual novel, most of the game takes place during a turn based battle ripped straight from a turn based RPG.
Said battle uses a rock paper scissors style system where each turn, you choose whether to attack, counter, charge, or heal. Attacking is self explanatory, countering will block Dianne’s attack and do half the damage of a regular attack in return, healing will restore varying amounts of HP depending on whether or not it’s on the same turn that Dianne charged, and charging will make you do twice as much damage next turn. Both Malos and Dianne use this same format, and you will need to learn Dianne’s pattern if you plan to survive to the end.
There are five phases in the fight with Dianne, each of which will use a different attack pattern. You will need to figure out how to whittle down her HP while keeping yours up enough to not die, similar to most turn based RPGs. Unlike in turn based RPGs, you can actually save on any turn and reload if you didn’t get the result you wanted; this game is still a visual novel after all.

I think it was quite creative how Belgerum managed to recreate an entirely different genre of game in a visual novel engine, and I did quite enjoy the puzzle element of this battle. The downside is that there’s really not much content to offer, and aside from hard mode. which reduces Malos’s max HP by half, there’s nothing else to really do. I may have actually enjoyed this RPG mechanic more than sex scenes, which isn’t a good thing since the sex scenes are clearly the main focus.
Dungeon Crawling (Eroticism)
To be fair, I don’t fully know if there’s anything wrong with this game’s writing, or if it’s just not my thing. There is a noticeable difference in quality between Demon King Domination and Slave Witch April, in that I can see a few straight, bi or pansexual women enjoying the former’s sex scenes. Hell I’m pretty sure the mutual who gifted me this game is in one of those categories, and she seemed to like it. It is because of this I can actually recommend this to someone who is looking to get into heterosexual corruption hentai but doesn’t want something too hard, although the audio epilogues are quite a bit more graphic than the in-game ones.

The in-game sex scenes are unlocked during the previously mentioned RPG battle, where certain scenes are unlocked depending on the result, There are four unlockable scenes that are obtained by losing to Dianne during the first four phases, losing during the fifth phase, beating Dianne on normal mode, and beating Dianne on hard mode respectively. I do like the creativity of how the battle leads into these scenes, and I also like how the audio epilogues also add to the background lore of the game.
Audio Epilogues
One thing I need to mention is that the first audio epilogue did the impossible of making a feminazi like myself laugh uncontrollably at a rape scene. The scene in question takes place after Dianne is tricked into performing an obedience ritual that forces her to obey Malos’s every command, and right after the hammy, melodramatic battle between the two, you listen to the epilogue that opens with “Introducing, the SLUT PRINCESS DIANNE!!” in the same hammy “evil” voice that has been super serious and imposing the whole time. And the sadistic torment that Dianne is forced to obey is… acting like a catgirl, and having to say humiliating cat puns like “meowsterbation.” Congratulations Belgerum, you have made me feel like an absolute scumbag by making me laugh at your ridiculous sex scene! Granted I don’t know if that was the intention or not, but it’s certainly something.

Overall, Demon King Domination was entertaining. It didn’t leave a serious impact on me, but I enjoyed it. It costs about $5.00 on Steam, and that’s pretty cheap by nukige standards. It is also even cheaper if you wait for a sale. Anyway next review won’t be of an eroge, since I DO play other games you now. See you all then.
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