Well, the time has finally arrived that I make one of these social political rants. Hopefully I can keep this short because these rants are typically spur of the moment decisions.
I will warn you, I get absolutely pissed in these types of rants, so they are a lot less formal than usual and will contain strong language.
Additionally, trigger warning for racism… and for trigger warnings because some people are just that fucking petty.
Anyway, today’s subject is… Black Privilege. Specifically, I would like to respond to is this pic below. Brace yourself for the stupidity.
Now, I’m going to start out by saying that I dislike using the word privilege to refer to one’s social standing even when it is used in terms like “white privilege,” “male privilege,” or *cringes heavily* “Cis privilege.” It’s not because I don’t believe that white people, men, or Cis people have advantages over women, black people, and transpeople, but because basic human rights should not be considered a “privilege.” The term is civil rights, not civil privileges. Furthermore, it is nothing but a flame bait term meant to make people feel like shit for what they are born as and to invalidate whatever struggles they may deal with via the “starving kids in Africa” fallacy. It may not be the intention, but that’s certainly what it is doing.
When you turn it around and try to claim that something like black privilege exists, it becomes even more infuriating than usual. I was always under the impression that these anti political correctness people are supposed to hate feminist buzzwords like privilege and oppression, yet you have the types like this who are exactly the same except even stupider. Anyway, let’s take a look at each of these claims.
“Being able to take pride in your race without fear of persecution.”
Let me just say that if someone needs to look to their skin color for something to be prideful about, all it does is show that their personality is so shallow that they have literally nothing else to be proud of. Such a thing is all the more pathetic when someone takes pride in being party of the majority. Yeah, having the same skin tone as the majority of your country is certainly something to take pride in and makes you special. And they say that the left is full of special snowflakes?
These people almost always miss the point of why we things like black/gay/trans pride exists. Unlike these idiotic white supremacist fuckboys, black people generally don’t feel they are superior beings because of their skin color. They have black pride because they are a minority group that has a long history of oppression and persecution in the western world. The sheer fact that it took until the second half of the twentieth century to get rid of this disgusting racism in the mainstream conscious alone invalidates any claims that racism is over. For fucks sake, there are still people alive today that were around in that era. There are people who have been victims of this persecution, and there have been people who have been raised to believe that this prejudice is true. These same people then go on to raise their kids with these beliefs.
Bigotry isn’t something that will just vanish from the planet one day. Slavery and segregation were not just bruises that were left on the body of this country; they were a cancer. They have a nasty effect that can start out in one small area but will spread rapidly throughout the whole body until in infects everyone. You can still treat it, but the only possible way to completely get rid of it would be to remove every last cancer cell. If just one is left there, then it will just continue to grow and will begin to spread whenever they are given the chance to do so. So no, racism has not ended, and it never will without the aid of several millenniums worth of evolution.
So yeah, black people have a reason to take pride in their race as long as racism has a remotely large presence. And no, people complaining on Tumblr about white men is not a valid equivalent.
“When people assume you are poor because of racism, not because you’re lazy.”
And aside from the obvious, here is the recurring entitled Baby Boomer attitude that being poor means that you are lazy, and that you can succeed as long as you work hard, eat your vegetables, and do plenty of sit ups. These people do not seem to grasp the fact that the economy has become fucked up since then and that people now need to work infinitely harder to make ends meet and that still may not be a guarantee that they will.
Even when applied to white people, the idea that being poor means you’re lazy demonstrates how intolerant and close minded these hicks are. Black people have to deal with that in addition to the fact that most of them are poor by default due to their grandparents having lived in an age where they could not get high paying jobs, who in turn came from families that were slaves with no money.
“Being wealthy without people assuming your wealth was handed to you or that you exploited others.”
And here we have a wide generalization with absolutely no way of proving or disproving its existence. This is literally the first time I’ve heard of this supposed stigma about rich black people, and I barely have heard this stigma about rich people in general as well, but won’t someone please think of the 1%???
“Being able to commit violent crimes against another race without people assuming you are racist.”
Oh for god’s sake stop playing dumb. Do these people not realize that black people are a minority or anything? Maybe this has more to do with the fact that being white is considered the default race, and just see them as people instead of as “black people.” In all honesty, who the fuck cares about this one? Are people really going to look at a black person on the news who murdered someone and think “well at least they’re not racist?”
“Being given ‘affirmative action’ which advantages you in jobs and colleges based on your skin tone.”
Well maybe if people didn’t openly discriminate against black people in businesses then this wouldn’t be necessary.
“Having the media cover up your race in the event of a black flash mob or gruesome murder.”
Who the fuck cares? The media covering up your race does not mean shit if you’re still going to prison. And they wouldn’t need to cover it up if it were not for racists using it to paint all black people as criminals. So many of these people who hate political correctness so much forget to realize that it exists exactly because people like them will twist anything done by a black person in order to further their own bigotry. The media wouldn’t feel the need to hide anything if you people could just be decent human beings.
“Being able to make insensitive comments about someone’s race and not get called out on it.”
I’ll put that under the category of “shit that never happens.”
“When people assume that the police pulled you over because of racism, not because you were speeding.”
Okay, tell me. Who the fuck is “people?” It’s another generalization that these people only get mad about because they have convinced themselves that they are the victims. And once again, if black people were not profiled so much in the past, maybe people would not assume it happens all the time nowadays.
“Being able to preserve your culture and have your culture protected from criticism.”
Oh sure, absolutely no one is criticizing black culture at all. Oh for gods sake try stepping outside your echo chamber for once. Additionally, one can also take this as an admission that racism IS an established element of white culture if these people are claiming their culture is being criticized when they are called out for being assholes.
“Being able to blame your shortcomings on racism.”
Another broad generalization with no actual proof to back it up. Sure, white people just so happen to be better than black people and just so happen to commit less crimes than white people. It’s not racist at all, it’s just coincidence. What’s that? You never said you thought black people were worse than white people in general? Well generalizations are perfectly valid points according to your logic.
“When people consider you to be better at sports or “better in bed” without it being considered racist.”
“Not having to be fearful of offending minorities.”
Yep, black people never get called out for offending minorities. Just ask Dave Chappelle.
“Having the establishment lie to cover up problems in your community or protect you from criticism.”
What community doesn’t have problems? The latter is another fucking generalization with no proof.
“When you can be over represented in a certain field without people trying to amend it.”
Yeah, because we are in a desperate shortage of white Basketball players or rappers. Nothing is stopping white people from applying to those jobs.
“Having the government pander to your interests in order to get the black vote.”
I’m sorry, but did you miss the last election? If I recall correctly, most black people voted for Clinton, but it didn’t make much of a difference there now did it? If anything, the government spends far more time pandering to white straight male Christians than any other group.
“Having Hollywood always present your race in a positive light.”
Are you fucking serious?
Have you watched any Hollywood movie in the past 20 years? I’m pretty sure you could find hundreds of articles listing harmful black character stereotypes and examples of poorly portrayed black people in film through a simple google search.
That is all of them, and holy fucking hell is this shit dumb. Okay yes I get that thinking black privilege exists or hating Black Lives Matter is not the exact same as hating black people, but it’s pretty fucking close. It is all based on nothing more than misinformation and propaganda, and it is the same shit we have seen for decades.
If someone who believes in black privilege has read this far, I will just try and explain things properly. I understand that it can feel frustrating for being blamed for all of the problems that black people, or any minority for that matter, are facing. Compared to black people, white people may be advantaged, but they aren’t going to FEEL advantaged. I homeless guy out on the streets starving is not going to be able to cash in his white privilege and get out of trouble. Yes, there are still a decent number of successful black people out there, and we even had a black president.
However, victimizing yourself and acting like black privilege is real is not the answer. Hell I find the idea of victimization to be questionable even when minorities do it since it often denotes a lack of self awareness as to any other reasons they have problems. The truth is, even if black people are a hell of a lot better off now than they were 50 years ago; racism did not just disappear.
Furthermore, what people need to know is that racism usually is not going to be this David Duke or Richard Spencer level of blatancy, and it will manifest itself in much more subtle fashions like how they are disproportionately shot by the police and called “thugs.”
To close this off, please do not buy into this propagandist bullshit. The fact that black people can say the N-word does not make up for all this shit. Yes, life can still be very difficult for someone who is white, but chances are, as bad as it is, it would only prove to be more troublesome if you were black as well, and a lot of these issues would not even exist if we could all just treat each other equally.
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